Bottomless Pit

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I don't know what it is.
The internet, who knew that the worst kind of cancer of our own creation.
Hooks your mind with their flashing lights and high appeal, loud voices shouting in your ear, telling you exactly what you want to hear.
Where the standards of living are an illusion, to be bought from luck, when the odds are infinitely against you. "Here's how I made my first million." He says, "Now join my monthly program" so he can make some more so you can get some free advice.
This is what we're living.
Never what can I do for you.
But, what you can do for me.
Always me.
If you keep saying this, you might realize how empty this word is, as there's no me without you, and them.
But, why do they keep taking?
When was life ever exciting?
Has it all become too complicated, where all we do is fight now?
Take advantage of any situation and use it for ourselves.
Always me.
Contemplating on drugs to take me to another world,
conflicting with tears rolling down my face,
this is the only time I even cry.
I've tried so hard to be straight edge,
but I'm still left here in the dark.
I thought it would make me happy,
but it could always be worse.
If I chose drugs,
I'd probably be in jail, dead, or brain dead.
I'm serious,
you may be fine,
but I doubt it with my life's situations.
With the limited control I've already had,
I've tried so hard to just hold on,
and to imagine what would have happened if I let go, I don't really want to know.

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