Data-Traverse Town

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After getting sucked into the vortex, Data-Sora was awakened by Pluto with a single lick on the face. He looked over at Data-Hikari who's still asleep. "Hikari?"

Data-Hikari gets pounced by Pluto and wakes up with a startle. The two looked at him for a moment before he ran off and then ran after Pluto. Soon... they noticed a strange town called Traverse Town.

Data-Sora looked at Data-Hikari. "Hikari, how do we...?"

King Mickey spoke to the two. "Hey, Sora, Hikari. Are you two all right?"

Data-Hikari heard King Mickey's voice. "Mickey! Where are we? What happened to us now?"

"You two must've been taken someplace else," King Mickey replied. "Tell me about what ya see around both of you."

	Data-Sora looked around

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Data-Sora looked around. "Looks like some kind of town."

"It sure is," Data-Hikari said, looking around. "Hey, wait! The island! What happened back on the island?"

"All the blocks disappeared," King Mickey replied. "You did a great job, Sora. And you too, Hikari."

"Whew! Am I glad to hear that," Data-Sora smiled.

"Me too," Data-Hikari smiled as well. "So, now we're in a strange town... But why? Is this place full of glitches, too?"

Data-Sora nodded. "All right..."

"We'll see what we can find," Data-Hikari nodded as she and Data-Sora began exploring.

King Mickey recaps the 2nd quest that Data-Sora and Data-Hikari are in. "Something strange was happening in that world too. Huey, Dewey, and Louie decided to go investigate. Both of you took off to find 'em, 'cause you two promised Cid you'd bring 'em back safe and sound."

Back in Disney Castle... Donald smiled. "Boy, does that bring back memories."

"Oh yeah, I remember it, too," Goofy said to Donald.

"You mean you went to this Traverse Town to meet Sora and my sister before?" Haya asked Donald and Goofy.

"Uh-huh," Donald nodded. "That's where we met Sora and Hikari on our first adventure."

Goofy agreed. "And also Yuffie, Aerith, Leon, too. Wonder how those guys are doin'."

"Interesting," King Mickey said. "So that's where you four became friends."

"I got a question for ya," Goofy said to the King. "When the journal got all digitized, we found the old entries, right? So, does that mean the Pluto that woke Sora and Hikari up is the Pluto that's just made of his data?"

"Why do ya ask, Goof?" King Mickey asked Goofy.

"Well, I'm wonderin' if there are data versions of all of us inside there, too," Goofy wondered.

The Princess of the Data (A KH Re:Coded Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now