8. Izuku (POV) - Wedding

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Today was the day! I'm so excited! After Shoto was taken back to his room, Uraraka summoned a few more servants to help me get into my dress tux. It was feminine enough to pass as a girl, but still masculine so I could let a little bit of the real me show through for Shoto. It really was perfect. Because the rest of the kingdom and probably the rest of the country would be watching, I needed to be presented as the princess. I put on some light base makeup and even drew on my freckles with a small eyeliner pen. Uraraka insisted on doing my wedding makeup, so I let her finish my face. Once she was satisfied with her job, she had another servant come up with her and style my short hair to make it look like it was still long, just styled up. I smiled at my reflection as we babbled about this and that about my wedding. 

"So, are you excited?" The other servant asked me. I giggled. "Yes. I'm super excited for Shoto to finally be my husband!"

"Ashido, pull that strand a little tighter." Uraraka addressed the other. "I'm so excited for you, Deku! This is going to be a day to remember!" 

Once I was all ready, I was led to a room where I was to wait until the signal for me to walk down the aisle. I was a nervous wreck. What if I mess up? What if my act drops during the ceremony and I reveal myself to the whole country as a fake!? What if something goes wrong? What if I can't satisfy Shoto and he wants to leave me!? Nonono! I shook my head to keep myself from crying. Crying would ruin my makeup. It's just nerves and anxiety. He loves you. The real you. Trust him. I took a few deep breaths and then heard the announcement. "Now entering the king and queen of Dagoba!" the announcer called out as cheers rang through the courtyard. "Now entering, the Todoroki family!" More cheers. "Now entering; the Yaoyorozu family!" My heart froze. She's here!? WHY? Why would she be here!? "Now entering, the Bakugo family!" Kacchan? He's here? Why would he want to come? I haven't seen him in years.

Announcements kept coming in and Mr. Yamada, our announcer, would keep listing them off as they entered. Finally, I heard the name I really wanted to hear. "Now that everyone is here, please enter the groom, Shoto Todoroki!" The loudest cheer rose up and I felt my heart flutter slightly as my nerves got all twisted up again. I took a calming breath and stood up, waiting for the doors to open so I could walk out. The signal came and... the doors didn't open. Confused, I pushed on the door. It was locked. Oh no! Crap! What do I do now!? I pushed harder, but they were securely in place. Uh oh... I started really freaking out when Uraraka came rushing around the corner. "Deku!? What are you doing? That was your cue!" She whisper-yelled at me. "Yeah, I know! The doors are stuck!" I hissed back at her and showed her. She pushed with me, but they wouldn't budge. "One sec. I'm going to run to the other side and see what's blocking it."

"Alright. Please hurry!"

"I will." And she was off. She dashed away, quicker than I'd seen her move in a while. I stood impatiently by the door, hoping beyond hope that it'd open up soon with no further complications, when I heard a sound behind me. "Well, don't you look... lovely." Her voice sounded disgusted. I sighed and looked down, but then turned around to face her. Momo Yaoyorozu was standing behind me, wearing a short, red cocktail dress with Asian designs on it. I put up a smile. "Hello, Ms. Yaoyorozu. You must be lost. The guests are already outside, waiting for me, actually."

"I know. I'm not lost. I'm right where I want to be. Now, I won't kill you because killing someone over a common love interest is just cruel. I want you to tell Shoto you don't love him and refuse to marry him. If you don't, abuse doesn't even begin to describe what I'll do with you." She threatened, activating her quirk and making a jagged dagger. I sighed, completely done with her bullsh!t. "Momo, I love Shoto with all my heart. I know he's the one for me and I will NOT deny this for myself and for him just because some heartbroken teenager can't get over her stupid crush on the guy she has no chance with!" I yelled at her, forcing her to the ground with a shove to her shoulders. Her heels made her off balance, so just a small push was all it took for her to lose it and crash. "You b!tch! Don't touch me!" She screeched, launching back up and swinging her dagger at me. I tried to dodge, but she grabbed my skirt and tripped me. She pinned my arms above my head and held the dagger to my heart. "I-I thought you said you wouldn't kill me!" I struggled against her grip. "Oh darling, I won't kill you, but you'll wish I would." She grinned evilly and then moved her blade over to my ear and used the serrated edge against the back of it. I felt blood leak down my neck as a burning pain emanated from where the knife was poised. I shoved her off of me and grabbed a napkin from a nearby table to quickly stop the blood from staining my dress. As she was about to fly at me again, fury in her eyes, she was held back. "Hey, b!tch! Don't you dare ruin this!" A familiar voice came from the person restraining her. "K-Kacchan!?" I freaked out and turned around. Sure enough, there he was, restraining Yaoyorozu from attacking. "What are you doing?" I asked, not quite sure how to react. He just rolled his eyes. "Saving your @ss and your wedding. Your soon-to-be husband got worried, but couldn't leave so he sent me. Well, more like I just left. I figured something was wrong. You're always getting into trouble, Deku! Such a hassle." He scrunched his nose in anger and started to drag the resisting Yaoyorozu back to her seat. I heard the door click and I quickly turned around, hiding the bloody napkin. Uraraka had finally managed to get the doors open. She smiled at me and bowed, joining the other servants in a line on the sides of the aisle. I smiled and held my head up, playing my role as best I could.

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