6. Izuku (POV)- King Visit and Mystery

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Being all dressed up again made me anxious, but I had to keep up appearances for everyone around me. Uraraka was put on kitchen duty today to help prepare the feast fit for guests, so I had to get someone else to help dress me. I would've just dressed myself like I normally did, but mom wanted me to wear a corset tonight and I needed help re-lacing it and putting the placket in place.

The woman who came in was not Uraraka, so I didn't know what to expect. She seemed very abrasive as I tried to talk to her.

"H-hey... are you the new dresser?" I asked, unsure if I should still try to pretend around her or not. She looked at me with something sinister behind her eyes and curtly nodded.

"Yes... for tonight that is my role. I am Momo Yaoyorozu, but I don't expect you to recognize that name's importance and power, 'your majesty.'" She mocked, her heels clicking on the stone floor as she approached me. She looked down at me and gave me an unnerving glare. "So this is Shoto's betrothed? What a waste. You don't deserve to have someone as... amazing, calm, and talented, and... You don't deserve him!" She caught herself rambling and then yelled at me as she yanked roughly on the strings of the corset. I gasped out and tried not to fall over with the force of it. I failed and ended up on my back, dazed.

As I tried to get up, this woman walked around my room, examining it and judging it harshly. When she got to my desk, my heart froze. She pulled out a note that said "Read me" on the front. I knew that note and I had meant to throw it away, but I hadn't yet gotten to that.

She looked through the note and then snickered. "Really?! This is it!?" She laughed harder. "You-you really thought... oh this is priceless!" She cackled at my pain. I grew angry and ashamed and finally stood up. "Hey! Don't mouth off what you don't know!" I yelled back at her, snatching the paper from her.

She raised her eyebrow at me. "Don't know? Like how your whole kingdom doesn't know you're actually a boy! In my opinion, I think this kingdom would be better off with someone more fitting to rule it, not just some miracle baby who doesn't even have a quirk! You should've just gone through with it and saved everyone else a lot of trouble." She sneered, pushing me away from her. I glared at her, but I knew she was right. Depression started overtaking my mind again and I couldn't control it.

"Leave, NOW!" I yelled at her, forcefully pointing at my door. She smirked again and sashayed out of my room. "Good luck this evening, your highness." She mocked and laughed as she left.

I sighed and flopped down on the floor as tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I let a few escape, but then collected myself together and put on fresh makeup. Today, I need to be Princess Izuku so I can make Shoto happy. His siblings are coming and I need to be presentable for them. With that, I left my room and went to find Shoto.


We talked a lot during dinner and dessert, but I was really feeling dizzy after the lack of oxygen I was getting due to the too tight corset. I ended up passing out again only to wake up cradled in my fiancé's arms again. I really love my Shoto.

I left Shoto to catch up with his brothers and I went to try to smooth things over with my father. I hated leaving Shoto in the dark, but I knew he'd try to stop me if I told him what my plan was. I needed to make amends with the king.

I cautiously approached his bedroom door where I heard his voice muttering as miscellaneous objects were scattered about in his quiet rage. I gently knocked on the door and the noise stopped. "Who is it?" The king's rough voice rattled the hinges of the heavy door. I gulped. "I-it's your son. I... I wish to speak with you."

There was a long pause before the door unlocked and opened. "Izuku, what are you doing? Why... Why would you want to talk to me?" He looked tired and unkempt with some stubble on his face, a tired, drained look in his eyes, and an old, wrinkled robe loosely draped over his shoulders. I blinked at his appearance before politely bowing to him.

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