The Search(3)

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Mika's POV

"First, Chapa and now Bose! What are we going to do!?", I yelled. "If the thugs knew we were here..he must be working the MP(Mysterious person if u forgot)", Ray explained. "Come on let's head back and track him down from Bose's tracker!", Miles said.

We huddled around Miles as he teleports us back to the mans nest. When we arrived, Schwoz was pacing around the room. "Where's Chapa!? Where's Bosey!?", Schwoz asked worriedly. "No time for questions! Schwoz track down Bose. He should still have his tracker on him.", I explained.

Schwoz ran to the computer screens and started tracking him. "Found him!", Schwoz yells. We ran to him and looked at the screen.

"His on his way to an abondoned mall across the town!".

"You sure?", Miles asked

"Worth a try?"

We rolled our eyes and went to the tube. We went down the tube and Miles teleported us to the location.

When we arrived, we see an abondoned building. "They should be in here!", Ray yelled. "Come on! Let's get in!", I yelled.

We broke down the door and ran in. "BOSE! CHAPA! ANYBODY!?", I yelled. "Looking for him?", the lights turned on and we see Bose tied up to a chair all brusied up and the thug with weapons all over him.

"BOSE!", I yelled but as I tried to run to him, something was trapping me. I look down and see chains on my legs. "Unchain us!", Ray yelled.

"Sorry..not today..", the thug said as he fills his sniper with bullets.

"What do you want..?", I asked in a soft voice. "I want to know you base..", he said.

"As soon as I know where your base is, I will be able to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!",he yelled.

"Now tell me where it is..or this kid dies!", he points the sniper at Bose.

"Leave them alone.", someone said in a weak voice. The thug points the sniper sniper to the ground as he looks confuse.

"Who is that!?", he yells. Suddenly there was a red spark from the side. We turn our heads and see a bruised Chapa covered in blood and holes on her uniform. We look shocked as she limps towards us.

"Chapa!?", the thug said. "How are you here?! Didn't my brother trap you!?", he continued.

"Oh he did..", she replied in a weak voice.

"But i managed to escaped..", she continued.

"Yea because someone hypnotized me to capture her.", the MP said.

"WHAT!? Ughh anyways. I still got your buddy here..Brainstorm..", he then peel off his mask. "Bose..", He whispered as he tears the mask in half and throws the mask to the ground he points the sniper at Bose's head as Chapa and the MP tries to unchain us.

"You break that chain and you'll regret..", the thug said in an evil tone. Suddenly, Chapa and the MP got captured as well in a force field. "What's this!?", the MP yelled. Chapa tried to zap the force field but instead her bolts reversed and hit her. She falls backwards and more blood ooze out.

"Base..or dead..", the thug said.

"You'll never know where the base is..", Ray whispered weakly. "Ok then..", the thug then shoots the sniper at Bose's stomach. He unties Bose as he falls to the ground.

Chapa's POV

"BOSE!", I yelled worriedly.

"Your'e gonna..", I paused as I feel pain in my chest. "Gonna what?", he said sarcastically. I then shoot out a bunch of lightning from my hands causing a flash of white light and blacking out.

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