Chapa's Life

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Chapa wakes up to her parents arguing. "Of course their arguing. What a surprised," she said it to herself. She gets up and heads to the bathroom. She locks the door and opens her drawer. "I can't fight the urge any longer, " she whispers. She grabs the razor and does 2 cuts on both her wrist. She then puts the razor into her school bag and gets change.

She heads downstairs and eats some breakfast. "Good morning dear, heres $100, me and your father will be late tonight so take care of your own lunch and dinner alright?", her mother informs her. She nods her head and leaves the house.

"Bose? What are you doing here sweetie?" "I came to pick you up of course", Bose kisses her on the forehead and they head to school together.

At SwAG, they enter and seem to be the first ones. They decided to hangout a little as the rest aren't here yet. "Are you two making out?", Mika ask out loud. "What!? No..we're only 14!", Chapa denies. Mika and Miles laughs it off and Chapa heads back to her sit

"Emergency call! Everybody up to the mans nest!", Ray tells them. The 4 of them hit their buttons and goes up to the nest. At the nest, they quickly get their gum, "Lets chew some gum-" "and fight some scum" Mika finishes her brother's line. They transform to their superhero outfits and head down the tube.

After fighting some crime, Chapa invited her friends to her house since her parents aren't gonna be home early tonight. "Meet me at my house at 5pm alright?" Chapa informs. The rest nodded their heads.


At 4.30pm, Bose was already there first to hangout with his girlfriend before the rest came. "Your family is so perfect.." Bose tells her. "Yep. Of course..perfect.." Chapa replies with a soft voice. Bose looks at her but was interrupted by the doorbell. "I'll go get it!" Chapa rushes over to the door and welcomes the twins in. "Woah! I don't think I've been here before.." Miles says as he admires the place. Chapa leads them to her room and they played a boardgame.

(At 8pm)

"Iam feeling kinda hungry." ,Miles says.
"Me too." ,Bose added. "How 'bout some pizza?", Chapa asks. The rest agrees for pizza and Chapa orders it.

"Your lucky your parents aren't home.", Mika tells Chapa "And you get $100 per day? Wow!" Miles added. Chapa laughs it off. "Your family is perfect!", Bose ends it off. Chapa agrees and slowly raises to go to the bathroom.

She looks at herself in the mirror and thinks , " I wish you guys will see the real De Sil Vas..". She grabs her razor and does 4 more on both arms and 2 on her thighs. She grabs her hoodie from her closet and puts it on. She pulls her pants and keeps the razor.
She walks out of the bathroom acting all fine.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie hun?", Bose questions. "I feel cold..", she replies. "It's the middle of summer?", Mika added. She ignores Mika and cuddles with Bose as they continue their pizza.

(At 9pm)

"Bye guys!", Chapa waves at her friends who are going home. Only someone decided to stay, Bose. "Bosey why don't you go home?" Chapa asks Bose. "I want to stay with you..", Bose answers. Chapa smiles and she goes in bed with him and they cuddle while watching a movie.

In the middle of the movie, Bose accidently rolls up Chapa's sleeve and saw the cuts on her arms. "What's this?". "It's nothing. Really." She told him. He searches around every drawers and shelves in the room. Chapa looks at him in a worried manner. He heads to the bathroom and opens each and every drawer until he finds the razor blade.

"Bosey please..stop.", Chapa says in a soft voice. "Why are you doing this?", Bose questions her. She looks down and starts to tear up. He goes to her and hug her. He shushes her like a little baby and assures her that everything is ok. "I don't have a perfect family. They argue all the time. Their never home. One is always missing in family outtings.", Chapa tells him. "Iam sick and tired of life,". Bose hugs her.

Bose finally understands what she's been going through. He stayed over that night and before they went to sleep he tells her, "if you have the urge. Wake me up. Alright?". She nods and slowly fall asleep. As soon as Chapa fell asleep, Bose heads to the bathroom and grabs the razor and hides it somewhere where she won't find it.

(At 3.30am)

Chapa wakes up and couldn't fight the urge. She closes her ears and tears build up in her eyes. She heads to the bathroom and finds for her razor but it's no where to be seen.
She starts to breath heavily and starts to have a panic attack.


"SHUT UP!" She yells. Bose wakes up to her yelling. "Babe?" He looks up and sees an empty bed. He hears her sobbing in the bathroom and heads over. "Baby talk to me. What's wrong?" He says. She starts to hit her head with her fist and Bose holds her to make her stop. "I..I.." Chapa mumbles. "You what?" Bose says softly. He hugs her to help her calm down but it doesn't seem to work.


"MAKE IT STOP" She yells. "Make what stop?!", Bose says confusingly. She starts to bang her head on the wall. Bose puts his hand behind her to make her stop. "Baby please.." He says in a worried tone. He hugs her and assures to her that she's fine. She calms down abit and falls asleep in Bose's arms. He carries her to bed and tucks her in.

(The next day)

Bose and Chapa decided to walk by the duck pond on their way to school. "Hey uhm babe? Can we talk awhile.", Bose ask. Chapa agrees and they sit on the bench across the duck pond. "Can you promise me something?", Bose says in a soft tone. "Of course Bosey. What is it?", Chapa says in a confident and worried tone.

"Promise me that if your in pain or your struggling to fight the urge, you'll tell me?", Bose announce. Chapa looks down when Bose says it. She hesitates awhile. Bose then raises her head so that their eyes will meet. "Promise?" He says once more. "Promise.", Chapa says in a soft voice. He hugs her and they kiss, almost making out. They raise from the bench and head to school and work.


(The kids are now 20)

Volt zaps the robber and knocks him out. AWOL teleports the robber to jail and the rest took the man van back to base.

"Great work guys!", Chapa says while fist bumping Bose. "We're gonna head out alright? Tell Ray that we said hi!" Chapa told Mika. "Alright! Have fun! Not too much fun.." Mika replied. Bose and Chapa forced a laugh.

(At home)

Bose tells Chapa to change into something nice because he was going to take her out on a date. Chapa heads to the bathroom while Bose plays with the puppies they just adopted.

As soon as Chapa gets out of the bathroom, Bose goes to her. "Let me see your hands.", Bose demands. She shows him her hands and there were 3 new scars on the left wrist.
"Sorry Bosey, it's too addicting.", Bose shakes his head but accepts her apology.

He brings her to a fancy restaurant across town. They eat and enjoy their time there. Bose was glad that Chapa is now more confident with wearing sleeveless tops.

As soon as they were done eating. Bose told Chapa to close her eyes. She was in confusion but obeyed. Bose got down on one knee. "You can open your eyes now.", Bose says. Her jaw dropped. "Chapa, since the day i met you, you've been by my side through thick and thin. You're amazing, beautiful, kind. You're the strongest women i know," .
Tears build up in Chapa's eyes. "Will you, Lula Elena Chapa De Silva,". Bose takes out a box and opens it. "Marry me?". Chapa was shock. She was speechless. "Well? My knees are hurting.", Bose jokes around. "Of course!", Chapa exclaimes.

Bose slides the ring into her finger, raises from the ground and hugs her tight. People were congratulating them.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Its not really short- its uhm 1452 words- SORRYYY!!! hope u enjoyed reading <3

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