The search(1)

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No pov

The emergency alarm rings and the four memebers push their chair buttons. Ray runs to the back door and enters the mans nest by the tube.

The four members open their lockers and grab out their gum carrier. The four member stand next to Ray infront of the tube and blow a bubble.

The five of them change to their uniforms and head up the tube. They yell "down the tube" in unison and get into the man van.

An hour later, they arrive the scene and see an abondoned building. "So,what's the emergency?", Miles ask. "The caller said that there were held hostages, so maybe their in the building?", Mika said.

"Chapa, Bose, search in the building. Mika, Miles, search around the bulding.", Ray instructs.

"What about you?", Bose ask.

"I have the Man Van..yep!"

They look at Ray in confusion but just went to do their job.

Chapa's POV

Bose and I went into the building and saw nothing but darkness.

"Iam scared of darks!",Bose says

"Don't worry, I have a torchlight here.", I pull out a torchlight from my pocket and turn it on. Bose hides behind me and holds onto mt shoulder.

We slowly walk around the place trying to find the emergency. We couldnt find any clues so we decided to continue to walk around the building. We ended up in a room and suddenly the torchlight died. It went all dark and suddenly the door closed on us.

I ran up to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. I went back to Bose and we stood in fear as we hear creaking noises.

"Bose? Are you ok?", No answer.

"Bose!? BOSE!!", I yell for him but see no Bose around. Suddenly, something was covering my mouth. It was a piece of cloth that had a weird smell. Soon I black out.

Mika's POV

"Did you find anything?", I ask

"Nope. You?", Miles replied.

"No. Maybe we should head back to the van."

We head back to the van to see Ray watching dog judge but no signs of Bose and Chapa.

"Ray! What are you doing?", Miles ask.

"Just, watching over the van..", he continues.

We shook our heads and waited for the other two to appear. Minutes pass but nobody came by.

"Should we..look for them?", I voice out.

As soon as I said that, we see a figure limping towards us. We got scared. The figure comes closer and I see it in a blue and black clothing. I squint my eyes and see Brainstorm's logo.

"Guys its just Bose!", I told them.

Me and miles run towards him to givr him support. We helped him to the man van and sat him down.

"Where's Chapa?!", I ask.

"I-I don't know..", he says.

We look at each other in confusion.

" he-her.."

"WHAT!?", Me, Ray and Miles yell in unison.

The rest wanted to go back but I wanted to look for my bestfriend.

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