Chapter 1

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Danger Magnet

Chapter 1

Rane Quinn sat in the dingy bar reading the letter he'd received through his personal PO box. His hands shook at what he was reading, a red haze of anger blurred his vision and the letter crumpled under his too tight grip. Fucking furious didn't even cover it, that selfish, no-good, croweating, bitch. He was going to hunt the bitch down. Quinn didn't hurt women. Kids and women, they didn't get hurt. That was the rule he lived his fucked up outlaw life by. Just this once he thought he might fucking ignore his own rule. 

"Hey, Quinn!" The familiar raspy voice of Happy Lowman called across the bar to him. They were due to ride down to Charming together, Happy might be doing it solo now. The club came first, but this… fuck. 

Quinn turned to face Happy, a younger brother. Happy frowned at him, two beers in his hand as he strolled over. Happy never walked anywhere, he strolled or strutted, stomped, never walked. It was like he was either too relaxed or too coiled for that. Always one end of the extreme with the Son. 

"What's happened?" Happy asked in that gravelly voice, straight to the point, no bullshitting as normal. Happy was a man of few words, always got to the point. Quinn liked the guy, would have said, despite being a decade younger than Quinn, that Happy was one of his closest brothers. 

"Here," Quinn pushed the letter across the table to his brother. He couldn't say the fucking words or he would go murder the bitch. 

"Shit. We going or what then?" Happy asked, his eyes focused on Quinn. Happy's eyes had darkened to an almost jet black, a sign he was truly pissed off. 

"We're supposed to be helping SAMCRO," Quinn pointed out. 

"Changes things. Clay and the guys would understand, this is family," Happy shrugged, his eyes burning into the paper on the table now. 

"Well I sure as shit aren't going to leave it, am I?" Quinn said. Fuck. That bitch. That fucking bitch. 

"Call up Clay, explain shit. We'll ride out and sort this out brutha," Happy nodded at the letter once more. 

Quinn sighed and pulled out his latest burner. He was going to have to call his old lady too, that shit was not going to fucking float with her. 


"Three weeks Jacob, Edward, that's all you have to leave me alone for then I'm gone. Three weeks!" Bella hissed at the two guys who couldn't get it through their thick supernatural skulls that she didn't want to see either of them. Ever again! She was where she was because of them and if she never saw another supernatural being again it would be too soon. 

"Bella-" Edward started in that musical tone of voice, his fingers going to the bridge of his nose as though she was being difficult. She had somewhere else he could put those fingers. 

"No! Leave me alone! Don't turn up! Don't call! Don't message! Just pretend I never existed! Got it? Both of you!" Bella yelled before slamming and locking the door that would only be hers for the next three weeks. Then she would have to figure out her next move. All she knew was that it would be a long way from Washington. It would be somewhere warm and sunny where mythical creatures didn't try to kill you, or succeed in killing your father. Somewhere where the two idiots still outside her door wouldn't turn up. 

She slid down the door, taking a break before she went back to packing up the house. It had sold pretty much straight away. Meaning she had the money to just leave now, or should very shortly anyway. She also had to deal with all the stuff in it. She was trying to decide what to put in storage, what to give to charity and what, if anything, she wanted to keep. Bella had left her fathers fishing things till last. She wanted to give them all to Billy but that meant going to the Res, which meant Jacob. 

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