Chapter 40

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I hummed, rocking on my feet as I waited for the stairs to move back. When the stairs connected, another girl pushed past me. I looked back to see Cho rushing down the hall.

I shook my head, going up the stairs. I got to the top and the fat lady started a conversation.

"How was your Christmas? Did you stay here or go home? Did you get what you wished for?" She listed off the questions.

"Uh, yeah, it's was brilliant." I stammered.

I told her the password that Hermione told me and she frowned.

"Well, if you didn't want to talk to me then you could've just said that." The portrait swung open and I went inside.

I found the three of them sitting on a sofa in front of the fireplace. They were arguing, of course.

I know, I know, eavesdropping is rude but I did it anyway.

"Both of you are so frustrating!" Hermione groaned.

"I can't believe you wouldn't tell your own best friend that you like her." Ron crossed his arms.

"That's because I don't like her," He muttered.

My heart sank.

"Besides, Cho and I are... doing fine." He stammered.

"Harry, I'm not daft." Hermione scoffed.

"We see the way you look at her, mate." Ron added. "I'm pretty sure she's the only one that doesn't see it."

I walked in at that moment.

"Well, she sure is moody, isn't she?" I scoffed, motioning towards the portrait.

"You get used to it," Hermione rolled her eyes.

I fell back into the couch next to Harry, draping my arm over the back of it.

"By the way, I saw Cho and she seemed pretty upset," I turned towards Harry. "Is she alright?"

"Well, uh, she didn't mention anything." He stammered, inching away from me.

I hummed, putting my hands in my lap and moving away.

"So Y/n, would you like to join us on our trip to Hogsmeade?" Hermione smiled.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Harry draw a line over his throat.

"Sure," I smiled, "I'd love to join you."


We walked down the path towards the village. My hands were numb and my nose was red. Hermione put an arm around my shoulders as we laughed at Ron's stupid joke.

"I am in desperate need of a butterbeer," I chuckled as we got to the square.

"Yes!" Hermione agreed, "I need a pumpkin pastie."

"But, uh, Hermione and I have to do something." Ron grabbed her arm.

Hermione glared at Ron before turning to Harry and I and nodding, "Right, yes, we'll be right back."

"Ron I-" I started but they were already too far.

I don't know what else I expected.

I stood there, looking any direction but at Harry, with him doing the same.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, I heard Harry take a deep breath.

"Do you hate me?"

I turned around, my eyebrows knitting together.

"What? No." I shook my head, "No."



"It's just... you seemed so upset with me and you were avoiding me," He said quickly, "I thought that maybe I had upset you and I didn't want us to be on bad terms."

I looked back at him, my expression softening when I saw how upset he was.

"Harry," I sighed, "I'm so sorry. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. None of it is your fault."

He nodded, silent for even longer this time.

"Can you be honest with me for a second, Y/n?"

I nodded.

"Is it because I kissed Cho?"

I took a deep breath, "Yes."


"I really don't know, Harry."

"If it's something I did, I'm sorry." He said desperately. He stopped, taking a deep breath. "I care about you, Y/n. A lot actually. And Hermione said I should get this off my chest but I didn't listen but now I know that she's right.
Y/n I really like-"

"I think we should just be friends."

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