Chapter 35

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Hermione and I rushed into the Room of Requirements, whispering to ourselves.

"You have to tell him today," She whispered in my ear, "It's the last day before break, wouldn't you like to be dating by Christmas?"

"I'm going to be with him, I can tell him at any time." I whispered back.

"Y/n, just do it."

"Fine, I'll do it after DA."


I gave her a look as I went to stand at the other side of the circle of students. I got my wand ready.

"Expelliarmus." I hit the dummy as it flew at me. It flew back, going right towards Neville. I braced myself, already feeling guilty for hitting him.

"Expelliarmus!" He shouted as a spell hit the dummy. Everyone paused for a second before congratulating him.

I smiled, relieved that I didn't hit him.

I chuckled as Harry shook his shoulder. He looked over at me and we made eye contact before he quickly looked away.

He still hadn't talked to me since the hallway and I'm definitely starting to second guess Hermione. Every time I had the chance, I snuck glances at him and I was slowly starting to dread the end of the meeting.

But of course, the more you dread something, the quicker it comes.

"So that's it for this lesson. Now, we' re not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays." Harry announced. "So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And well done, everyone. Great, great work."

I ran up to catch up with Hermione, "C'mon, do I have to? I don't want to make a fool out of myself."

"You're not going to make a fool out of yourself." She chuckled, "He fancies you."

I sighed, giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Come on," She sighed, handing me a box. "There. Tell him that I needed to give this to him and then use that as an excuse."

I rolled my eyes, taking the box.

"Just pluck up the courage, this is stupid." She chuckled, shoving me towards the door.

I put the back of my hand to my forehead, "Please, 'Mione. I think I'm going... to faint."

"Oh, piss off." She laughed.

I sighed, turning to give Hermione one last desperate look before pushing the door open with my back.

"Hey, Harry. Herm-" I turned around to see Harry with his arm snaked around Cho Chang's waist, snogging her like there's no tomorrow.

My heart dropped. The box almost fell out of my hands and I struggled to keep it from falling.

Harry's head snapped up and his eyes widened. Cho, on the other hand, was glaring. If looks could kill, I'd be on the floor.

"Uh, sorry... Hermione wanted me to give this to you." I felt sadness pang in my chest and I looked for anything to help me stop from crying. My eyes finally focused on a branch of mistletoe that was recoiling to the ceiling above the two. "I'll just leave this here."

I put the box down and pulled open the door, not stopping when I heard Harry say my name.

"So?" Hermione asked hopefully, joining me as I walked past.

"That was so not a good idea." I quickened my pace, trying to get as far away from Harry as possible. "I totally froze."

"What happened?" She pushed, rushing to keep up.

I stopped in the middle of the hall to look her in the eye. "I was right. He doesn't like me."

"I'm sure he does, Y/n, it's just-"

"It sure didn't look like it." I felt a twinge of jealousy,  "He was in there snogging Cho. He was literally eating her face off in front of me." 

"Oh, Y/n. I'm sorry." Her face softened.

"Thanks but it doesn't matter now. I totally made a fool of myself. I should've known." I cleared my throat to keep from letting my eyes water. "We should go."

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