wolf in sheep's clothing pt.3

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Author's P.O.V

"okay...why the hell is Imayoshi here everyday? Is he spying us?" Hyuga ask Kiyoshi who just laughed at him which makes Hyuga more irritated.

"No... He's courting Kuroko" Riko answered.

"Oh okay I thou- COURTING KUROKO!!!"Hyuga shouts and that gets everyone attention.

"Who's courting Kuroko?"

"Who's Making a move to Kuroko!!?"

"WHAT KUROKO IS GOING TO MARRY!!??" Everyone was silent and looking at Koganei.

"He's not getting married?" All of them roll their eyes for Koganei's overdramatic ass.

Imayoshi look at them and smile and go towards Kuroko who's drinking a water.

"Good Morning Kuroko, have you sleep well?" Imayoshi softly smiled at Kuroko that makes the others in disbelief because they haven't seen him smile like that.

"Hello Imayoshi-senpai, I have slept very well. Thank you for the gift but please don't spend money too much for me" Kuroko returned the smile which was so breathtaking.

(Like, why is he so cute? When can I buy one like Kuroko? Was it automatic?)

"Please stop calling me senpai also call me in my name instead. I'm sorry but I can't seem to stop spending money if it's you who will receive the gift." Imayoshi said that make Kuroko blush.

"...okay Shoichi-kun" Kuroko and Imayoshi both blush from how cute Kuroko is.

"Can I call you Tetsuya then? To be fair?" Imayoshi ask and Kuroko nod as an agreement.

"Really? In the morning and you're flirting Infront of me?" Kagami ask while dramatically stopping himself to attack Imayoshi.

"Yeah, keep your distance at Kuroko you snekk" Furihita said while glaring at Imayoshi who seems unaffected.

"Hey do you want Kimchi slap?!" Fukuda ask while doing a motion of slap.

"What is kimchi slap?" Hyuga ask which makes all of them wonder what is it.

"I don't know, I just heard one of my classmates mention it" Fukuda answered and shrug both of his shoulder. All of them walk towards Imayoshi and Kuroko.

"Hello everyone, I was just waiting for Kuroko to finish the practice. I'm not spying you or anything" Imayoshi said while showing a smile that seem to have a hidden meaning.

"That's good ......are you serious about Courting Kuroko? If not then you could pack your things and leave, there's the door" Hyuga said with serious face like the others.

"There's the door bitch!" The three freshmen said synchronously. The others look at them as they high five each other.

"I'm really serious with courting him. I'm even planning to marr-"

"Hold your stinky mouth, slow it down please!" Koganei said while the others agree to him.

"We're in slow pace everyone, I just want you to know that I'm very serious with him and love him very much that I can even throw Aomine's ass to the ocean if he command me to"

"Please command him to throw Aomine please Kuroko" Kagami pleads and kneel down Infront of Kuroko.

"..I can't do that Kagami-kun, You throw him yourself" Kuroko gAyfowardly said. Imayoshi smiles at how cute Kuroko is, he holds his hands and lock their fingers. Hyuga did a slashing motion in his hands and break their locking hands together.

"That's really brave of you to do that" Fukuda said, Kuroko shook his amused with his teammates and walk together with Imayoshi to a bench.

"I apologize on their behalf Shoichi-kun, I'm just going to change to my uniform and be right back" Imayoshi nods and Kuroko ran to the locker room. Imayoshi looks at Kuroko's teammates with g(r)ay eyes darkening.

What a troublesome


"Where do you want to eat Tetsuya?" Imayoshi ask while the both of them are walking. The practice have ended and both of them decided to hang out.

"Can we go to Maji Burger Shoichi-kun? I really like to have a vanilla milkshake now...if it's okay with you?"

"Of course Tetsuya!" Imayoshi smiled softly and Kuroko returned the gesture. The both of them walk to Maji Burger and order one large Vanilla Milkshake for Kuroko and Burger with fries and Large sprite for Imayoshi. They look for a sit which they found quickly and eat/drink their food. The atmosphere is calm and peaceful when someone approach Kuroko.

"Hey cutie! Can I have your number?" The guy shamelessly ask and Kuroko shook his head.

"I'm sorry to decline but I don't give my number to strangers"

"Don't be like th-" the guy was about to ask again when he felt a cold and dangerous aura coming from the guy the cutie was sitting opposite with.

"I would ask you to leave, My boyfriend just refused please don't let this get out of hand" Imayoshi smiled but his eyes tells different. The guy walks away and Kuroko sigh in relief.

"Thank you Shoichi-kun, I owe you one" Kuroko said and Imayoshi shook his head and smile at him different from the smile just a while ago.

"It's nothing really, I just did what's right and it's bare minimum" Imayoshi said and sips his sprite to calm his nerves

Ah I need to act fast

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