pair pt.2

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With their friendship still there but incomplete all of them continued their lives but Murasakibara who starting to act not himself. Asking everyday, even every hour where is Kuroko or Where is he studying, Growling at anyone and whining from time to time. The changes is continuing from time to time until one day, Kuroko have a gift from everyone because he visited his aunt and got souvenirs and clothes for them. They all got theirs and Murasakibara detect Kuroko's scent from the shirt he give to him. Everyday he will sniff it and hug it and treasure it, growling when others touch it. Until one day it was accidentally got in the ground and Murasakibara can't smell Kuroko's scent anymore that triggered him to the point of The others asking a shirt from Kuroko that he always wear, and Kuroko, give them 2 without hesitation. Murasakibara continued his hobby until he sees Kise looking at the photos of Kuroko that he sends. Murasakibara demanded All of the pictures but Kise said no and said without hesitation.

"He sends it to me, Why don't you ask him for one? Oh I forgot, He won't send you one because you rejected him." Kise said which resulted for Murasakibara to almost punch him but was stop when Akashi send all of the pictures of Kuroko. Murasakibara printed it all and put it on his things. Below his pillow, his walls, his table and frame, even on the back of his phone(clear case), even Kuroko's sleeping face as his wallpaper. He started to become so obsess that when someone ask who was the person in his phone he answer shamelessly.

"He's my mate, my spouse, the one who will bear my kids"His friends started to be alarm and scared so Akashi even try to talk some sense to him.

"Atsushi, please don't say that again, I don't think Tetsuay will be comfortable when he hears that. And he is not your mate anymore"  Murasakibara started to glare and stomp his feet.

"He is still my mate Aka-chin, he didn't accept the rejection so I still have a chance. And he can't leave me" Murasakibara stated which was like he was convincing himself.

Flashback ends

And day by day, his condition started to become worse and that leads to what is happening now.

Murasakibara woke up while trying to find Kuroko. But was dejected when he didn't see him.

"Where is Kuro-chin?" He ask them and all of them look at each other.

"He is gone Murasakibara, and please stop bothering Kuroko, he needs to focus on his studies. And also, he won't come here again, he is dating someone now, it will be bad when the other will leave him" Murasakibara starts to breathe heavily and cry when Midorima said the last thing. The others look at him disbelief on their face but Midorima gestured to them to not say anything. All of the sudden, Murasakibara run away and change into his wolf form. He run so fast that they can't see him anymore.

Murasakibara was in so much pain that his wolf started to take control, he can see his wolf running to a house that looks so warm and when he started to smell the scent he knows who is in there and who lives there.

The wolf started scratching the door and howling which wake up Kuroko who was sleeping because of Exhaustion with doing project. He stands up and walk downstairs and open his door. His eyes widen from the surprised but before he can say anything the wolf jump in him and whine, the wolf started to scent him and licking his face and neck. The wolf transforms into human which was tall and heavy. He tried to look up or push the others down but he can't.

Murasakibara started crying and murmuring sorry's to Kuroko. He clutch his shirt and rub his head into Kuroko's neck.

"I'm sorry Kuro-chin, I'm sorry please give me one more chance. I promised I will treasure you and take care of you as my mate and my spouse, I will try my hardest to see you smile and be happy. I know I'm an asshole for doing that and I won't say any excuses for my mistake but I will own it. Please give me a chance to prove that I'm worthy to be your mate, give me a chance to be a man that will be with you for the rest of your life. I know that it's too late, because you've boyfriend already but please let me be selfish for you" Murasakibara rambles while sobbing.

Kuroko who is lying down started to hear his heart beats so fast like in a marathon. He can feel the heat on his cheeks and ears, his eyes started to form tears because of both sadness and happiness. He knows in himself that Murasakibara hurt him too much, but he can't stop his feelings for him. He knows that what he will do can make him hurt more in the future but he wants to try, he wants to feel love and care from his mate, his life.

"It's okay Murasakibara-kun, I want to be with you too, but please let's take it slow, I want to know the real you and I want you to know who is the real me." Kuroko said which makes Murasakibara started to calm down but still his hug is so tight.

"Please Murasakibara-kun let me get up, I won't go anywhere"

"But what if, Your boyfriend won't break up with you?"

"Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend Murasakibara-kun." Kuroko explains which makes Murasakibara loosen his hold and both of them get up. Murasakibara sat down on the sofa and Kuroko was in the kitchen preparing tea and snacks, after 15 minutes, he came back holding a tray which Murasakibara stand up and help Kuroko carry the tray. They both sat down and Murasakibara starts to eat the cookies which are so good. Kuroko faintly smile with how cute Murasakibara is.

"As I said before, I want us to take it slow, maybe start with spending time together, knowing each other, be there for each other. I want us to be friends first-" Murasakibara whined from the words.

"But Kuro-chin, I don't want to be friends only, maybe boyfriends?" Murasakibara said with an innocent smile.

"Let's start with friends then it will gradually deepen. Okay?" Kuroko said and Murasakibara sigh but nodded as an understanding. Murasakibara stayed for the night because he wants to sleep together with Kuroko. Both of them change to their pajamas and sleep.

Day by day, their relationship grew and now both of them are husbands with 2 child. The first born have the same hair with Kuroko and same eye but have Murasakibara's height and other features, the second born have Murasakibara's eyes and hair but have the delicate features of Kuroko. Kuroko became a preschool teacher and Murasakibara became a pastry chef and have own a cafe that have Branch around the Japan and known around the world. The both of them live peacefully and contented with each other.

The end.

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