Paranoia pt. 4

911 39 1

Author's P.O.V

It's now autumn since Kuroko left Aomine temporarily. Kuroko looks at the scenery at his window. He love how the yellow, orange and brown leaves of the trees falls and swing effortlessly, and falls at the grass. He loves how the wind caressed his face and whisper the secrets of it. He love how the sun shines and blends with the colors of the leaves from the trees. Kuroko feel at ease in his grandma's house, where his hometown and heart is at peace.

It's been 3 weeks, 5 days, 19 hours and 32 seconds since Kuroko left Tokyo, Contrary with Kuroko being at peace, Aomine feel his sanity in a thread. He feel so messed up, He can feel that he is close to suffocate from drowning in sorrow and frustration. The first week was so painful, Aomine drink so much that it will be a rare sight to see him sober. The second week, He start to go to work and busy himself, he also go to Anger issue and other Therapist to talk his thoughts, The third week goes fast without Aomine noticing. His train of thoughts gets interrupted by the ringing of his cellphone, indicating someone was calling him. He gets the phone at the table and look at the screen, He answers it quickly seeing the Caller.

A- Aomine
K- the Kuroko

Hello! Wifey How are you? Have you eaten yet, How was your sleep, Are you okay? Tell me if you want to go home, I'll be there in a heartbeat

Hi Aomine-kun, I'm fine, I've eaten and I slept well last night. Are you okay Aomine-kun?

I just got home from work, It was tiring, I've had a meeting with Mr. Choi and Mr. Hayakawa and I've signed so many papers, I go to the cafe that we always go and sit at our spot and drink coffee with Milk bread, I go to the flower shop and got your favorite flower, The Dandelions are so pretty and smell nice. I go to the park and sit at the bench we always sit. Do you remember we always go their in weekends and buy Ice cream, You always ordered Strawberry Ice cream with Sprinkles-


Yes My wife?

.....are you okay?

.....I-I'm not... I miss you so much Tetsu, I love you so much that it's hurt that you're far away from me, I'm sorry That I wasn't good husband, I'm so lost without you. I want to prove my love for you and I'm willing to wait for you.

I'm sorry Aomine-kun that We have experience this, please Don't let go, I will be there. I will be there ready to Love and trust you, I hope that you will welcome me with open arms. Maybe we can start our little family.

Yes My wife, I'll always be there with open arms, ready to take you. Please don't let go also, because I'm sure I won't let go for you.

I have to go Aomine-kun, Please take care of yourself

Yes Tetsu, I love you My wife

The time will come that I'm ready to say I love you. Good bye


Kuroko hung up and sigh in relief. Kuroko was scared, Kuroko was scared Aomine may find someone while he was away. Kuroko was filled with happiness talking to Aomine. He was glad Aomine is doing good. They are both having a hard time and suffering without each other in their arms. But Kuroko knows this is worth it. He knows the hard day and sleepless night will be worth it, if it's to love Aomine and trust him wholeheartedly.

Aomine smiled widely hearing Kuroko's voice but it wasn't enough, He wants to see and feel Kuroko. He wants to hug Kuroko and never let go. He wants to lay beside Kuroko at night and see his face first in the morning. He wants to see Kuroko holding their child while smiling warmly. He wants to see Kuroko's back while he is cooking, humming sweetly.

Aomine go to their shared room and open their closet and get a clean clothes. He walks at the bathroom and go to the shower, he change it in warm temperature and go in. Water flows from his hear to his body while his mind wonder off. Memories of Kuroko start to invade his mind making him in heaven. Ten minutes have passed and he goes out of the bathroom and get his clothes and wear it. He laid in the bed and let his sleep take over.




Aomine groan from someone whispering in his ear. Aomine blink before facing the one who's saying his name.

"T-Tetsu?" Aomine sat up quickly while holding Kuroko's face and analyzing and carving every detail of Kuroko's face.

"It's really you Tetsu" Aomine grab Kuroko and hug him tightly. Kuroko smiled and chuckle and hug back.

"I thought, I thought you will not ......come back." Aomine release Kuroko from his hug, and Kuroko smiled at him and pat his head.

"I'm here now Aomine-kun, I will not leave you. I can't even thought of leaving you. I can't imagine my life without you" Kuroko was about to hug Aomine again but Aomine kiss Kuroko which took Kuroko by surprised, Kuroko quickly gave in and They share the kiss passionately, and they let their love control them.

Aomine woke up in the morning and see the face of his one and only love. Kuroko looks so ethereal, his eyelashes that rest on his cheekbones, his lips that pouts cutely and the soft hums his breath release, The soft skin that is so white and feels soft.

"I truly don't deserve you"

"Then I don't deserve you either" Kuroko open his eyes and smile at him. Aomine kiss Kuroko's forehead and lips.

"Will you live your life with me forever?"

"I will Hubby, I love you Daiki-kun"

"I love you too Tetsu"



Hi!!!.... Yeah ૮・ﻌ・ა

I want to apologized for not updating for such a Loooooooong time, I wasn't myself this past days (a month). I lost my passion to do what I always want to do because of The pressure of certain things. Hopefully I can update daily.

Also, Request is still open you can message me here. I also have a discord name SpringofMnemosyne and the tag is #1195, so If you want umm (´・з・) be friends. Yeah, See you on the next update!!!!!!!!

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