Chapter Thirty

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It was the day of the gala, Sarah dressed up in a tight black dress and had her hair in a braid. She nodded at Alice who was always cloaked by her side, tonight however Alice had different orders. With the nod, the AI-controlled nanotech drone flew to Damian's side.

Sarah headed downstairs with grace and poise, each step was elegant. She was determined to play the rich girl tonight. She gave a smile to Bruce and walked towards the front door.

Sarah slid into the limo and gave Alfred a smile. Her family joined her shortly afterward. She made small talk with them as the limo drove towards the gala.

Stepping out of the limo she stood tall, reporters screamed out questions and took pictures. Sarah ignored them and simply walked ahead towards the doors. When she was younger the media named her the "Princess of Gotham" because Sarah wasn't just the daughter of Bruce Wayne, she was also the heiress of the Silver Fortune.

Tonight however everyone thought one thing: Sarah Silver looked like a Queen. Regal, confident, elegant, this was the persona she showed. She looked over at a bored Jason, a tired Tim, an uncomfortable Dick, and an annoyed Damian.

"Smile boys, I have a feeling tonight will be exciting," Sarah said with a smile, she was many steps ahead of everyone tonight.

"Unlikely imposter" Damian scowled.

Sarah smiled at Damian "keep that paranoia Phoenix, it will help you"

Everyone looked at Sarah confused but only Damian picked up on her subtle hint, she was planning something. Damian didn't know what but he was planning on watching her closely. He refused to let this blatant imposter hurt his family.


Sarah stood on stage for a speech only she stayed silent for a moment then sighed "ok Gotham Villain hiding in the shadows come out now." She called out.

Everyone looked at Sarah confused until Ra's al Ghul walked onto the stage, "how did you know?" He asked not really caring for an answer.

"Because I'm always attacked at these public events." She said watching as the hard light shield activities around the other guests.

Jason began to beat on the shield, everyone was trapped. At that moment he believed Damian, that wasn't his sister, it couldn't be. Everyone began to doubt Sarah, except for one person.

Damian finally understood everything, it all clicked into place. Seeing his grandfather angrily glaring at Sarah told him everything. Ra's al Ghul was interested in one thing tonight, everyone's guard was down so it was the perfect time to strike.

Damian knew the League wanted him back, being more focused on his sister he could have been taken with no fight. Security was non-existent, but Sarah, he almost laughed, she was prepared. She left herself vulnerable on purpose, forcing his hand to take her, and she planted doubt inside everyone with Damian's help.

She did something no one else in the family except for Dick and his father would do, she sacrificed herself for him. Damian was confused by this realization, all he has been was rude to her, yet she gladly gave away her life for him. Snapping out of his mind he screamed out her name as she was knocked unconscious and taken away.

Once Ra's al Ghul left with Sarah the shield descended, "we have to save her!" Damian exclaimed to his family.

"She's not our sister," Jason said first with venom in his voice.

"No! Sarah wants you to believe that!" He yelled and everyone looked at him confused.

"Sarah? Why are you using a first name?" Tim was the first to ask.

"Shut up Drake! She's going to die and she knows it!" Damian exclaimed.

"That is correct," a female voice said from behind Damian.

They all turned to see Alice, the Drone. She was by Damian's side, only revealing after the other guests left. She floated harmlessly by their side.

"What are you doing here?" Tim asked Alice, having grown close to the AI.

"Following my orders" Alice responded.

"What orders are those?" Jason asked cautiously.

"To protect Damian Wayne from all harm until new orders are given" Alice responded.

"Sooo if I do this," Jason said, throwing a knife at Damian.

The knife ricochets off the hard light shield that appeared around Damian. Alice herself emitted the shield. Damian growled angrily at Jason.

"Wait, why protect Damian? Isn't she with Ra's al Ghul to take him?" Tim asked confused.

"No..." Dick said putting his head in his hands, "she forced him to take her instead, and bought time with our own doubts." Dick felt disappointed that he doubted his sister.

Everyone stood in silence before Damian spoke up "We need to find our sister before my grandfather kills her"

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