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ANA COUGHED AS DUST flew from the deep blue curtains that saved her eyes from the relentless sun. Ana hesitantly pulled the curtains back, taking a moment to let her eyes adjust. Below her window was a flurry of vendors setting up for Alina's public unveiling. The sinking feeling of dread pooled in Ana's stomach. Why did she have such a bad feeling about this.

This place. Their situation. Why did it feel so wrong. Maybe it was because Mal wasn't there. Ana quickly agreed to that idea to save her mental health for the day. She had strained her mind enough last night and needed to recover. The girl wasn't sure why she let thoughts of Kirigan keep her from sleep, but it was a problem she would have to put off for the day and the few after that. Her attention needed to be on Alina. Helping her prepare and getting her to agree to an escape route just in case things go south.

Ugh. There she was again, thinking only negative thoughts. A walk will help clear her head. Or a strong shot of whiskey, but Ana knew better than to act on that.

The hallways of the Little Palace were bustling with Grisha to prepare the inside for the unveiling. Ana quickly made her way outside to the front of the palace, meeting eyes with her older sister. Kirigan's horse trotted close behind.

"Ana!" Alina squealed at the sight of her younger sister. Joy was evident on her face while Kirigan's expression was neutral. Ana approached the dismounting Alina with a forced smile. She pushed the pang of jealousy out of her mind quickly.

"Anastasia, I must speak to you privately about the unveiling." Kirigan dismounted, bringing himself closer to the siblings.

"Uh-" Ana looked to Alina for reassurance that this was okay with her sister. Alina nods to her younger sister. "Y-yeah. I was just on my way to the library if you'd like to accompany me?" Ana was now looking at Kirigan.

"Splendid." An uncharacteristically bright smile forms on Kirigan's face. Ana hesitates before shooting her sister one last uneasy glance. The pair start walking without another word.

The silence was awkward as Ana remembered her last encounter with the Darkling. He must've sensed her mood change and began to make light conversation. "The sun compliments you." Ana caught Kirigan's dark eyes meet hers, an emotion unknown to her was behind them.

"What did you want to talk about?" Ana shifted the conversation, feeling an uncomfortable flutter bloom in her stomach at the compliment. "If you're going to tell me to stay hidden then you've read my mind."

"Quite the opposite actually. I want you by my side during the event. So the world may know of the infamous Starkov sisters." Kirigan looked ahead, deep in thought. It was as if this was his dream. For the world to know they were his and no one else's.

"I don't think I can do that. This is Alina's moment, not mine. The world only needs one savior. And I am not that person." Ana fumbled with her hands as she spoke. Anxiousness filled her brain at the thought of what might entail if they were both at his disposal. If they were both so vulnerable to an attack. The soldier in her could only think of the worst outcome if this wasn't thoroughly planned out. "I intend to be there to protect my sister from those who may oppose her. Not to be your eye candy."

Her harsh tone did not seem to phase Kirigan. He had begun to grow used to her headstrong attitude. It seemed that was a shared trait between the sisters. They had made it to the peaceful library to find no other visitors but themselves. Ana gulped at this realization.

Kirigan swiftly cornered her behind a shelf, safely secluded from anyone who may enter the library. His right arm grasped her waist while his left kept her in place. "Is this a game you insist on playing with me? Were you betting on who would break first? Who would give into the other first? If so, you've won. I cannot think straight when you are near." The lust in Ana's eyes had not gone unnoticed by Kirigan. "All I want to do is taste your lips on mine. I want you by my side so everyone knows who you belong to."

His words left Ana speechless. Kirigan's lips interrupted her thoughts as they connected with hers. He kissed her like she was his oxygen and he was in desperate need for air. His hand moved from her waist to the skirt of her dress. Kirigan quickly gathered the material so he could rest his slender fingers on the inside of her naked thigh. His fingers slid gently to her clothed heat. A soft moan left Ana's mouth at the sensation.

"Quiet, dove. Wouldn't want to get caught now would we? Or maybe we should, so everyone knows you're mine." The Darkling growled, a faint cloud of darkness pushing past his lips and connecting to Ana's. Ana couldn't think straight, let alone notice the slight change in the air around her. His name fell from her mouth until it became a slur of incomprehensible words.

He curled his fingers once more and she came undone. The Darkling brought his fingers up to his lips to taste her. He hummed. "Just as heavenly as I imagined." He kissed her forehead before stepping away from her shaking frame. "I'll send the dress to your room by the end of the day. You will be next to me during the event, little dove."

"Yes." Ana watched as he retreated back into the hallway with a smirk. An order of submission clouded her mind and took over any words she said. The closing of the library door brought her back to reality. Ana shook her head and the cloudiness in her mind vanished. "What the hell is happening to me?"

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