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ANA STOOD IN A CROWD OF GRISHA. She had been led to the hallway outside the throne room by Genya after Ana had gotten ready. Her eyes wandered through the crowd, hoping to find Alina. A sudden tap on Ana's shoulder caused her to jump. Behind her was her friend from camp, Fyodor. If you could call him that.

"I see you survived the voyage." Ana spoke curtly. She had yet to forgive him for intoxicating her. Ana hoped he hadn't forgiven himself.

"Thanks to your sun summoner." Fyodor stood beside her now. He adorned a bright red Kefta that matched her own. He was scanning the crowd as she did earlier. After a moment, he glanced down at her. His face softened, "I-". His sentence was cut off by Alina and General Kirigan's entrance. Kirigan's eyes found hers, his brown orbs piercing hers before looking away. He looked magnificent. They. They looked magnificent. Ana shook the thoughts from her head and focused on blending in the with the crowd.

The grand doors opened to reveal the throne room. In it sat the Tzar and Tsarina on their gold thrones, accompanied by their son. Ana walked in awe. This place was more beautiful then she could have imagined. Fyodor nudged her to fix her posture. Ana straightened her back and looked ahead. She tried to mirror Fyodor as much as she could. They all stopped as Kirigan did, waiting for Alina to reveal her face. The veil was lifted and Alina awkwardly looked around to find some sort of hint at what to do next.

"I thought she'd be taller." Was the first thing said with a judgmental stare by the Tzar. The Tsarina added, "I thought she was Shu."

Ana felt a flick of anger burn in her gut. They were the ones that sat in a room lined with gold as their country starved. The anger subsided when Alina spoke up.

"I don't actually speak Shu," Alina forgot where she was for a second, "Your Highness." Ana stood at the ready to face any backlash her sister might take from that mistake.

The queen seemed to prioritize her curiosity over punishing disrespect. "Then what are you?" This left Alina speechless. She looked helpless under the expectant eyes of the room. Alina gave a quick glance back to find her sister, hoping to find an answer from Ana.

Aleksander spoke for her, "she is Alina Starkov. The Sun Summoner, moya tsaritsa." His voice was smooth and elegant. Ana swallowed hard. She barely knows this man. How could he have such an effect on her? "She will change the future. Starting now."

A gathering of shadows startled Ana. She looked to Fyodor with a worrying glance. He sent her a reassuring wink. Her brows furrowed and panic settled as the creeping shadows engulfed them. Ana could no longer see her sister. Then a beam of light erupted from the center of the room. From Alina. Ana gasped at the sheer power radiating from her sister.

The rest of the gathering was background noise to Ana as she recovered from her sister's display of power. Alina walked toward the crowd, Ana rushing to embrace the girl. Others began hugging her until Ana fought her way through. Her hand was about to grab Alina's when Zoya pushed her out of her way.

"It's such an honor to formally meet you." Embracing Alina, she muttered "you stink of the orphanage, half-breed." Ana could no longer hold herself back.

"Watch your tongue or I'll watch it for you, Grisha." Ana pushed herself in front of Alina. She felt her heart rate increase. An urge to crush the girl's heart itched at Ana's fingertips. A glint of fear shown in Zoya's dark eyes as they continued their stare down. Alina grabbed her little sister and stormed out of the crowd. Genya caught up to the siblings, seemingly ignorant to the commotion.

"You were brilliant out there." Genya uttered in disbelief. Ana let herself get lost in thought when the conversation went on. This hadn't been the first nasty comment they've had about their lineage, and it wouldn't be the last. Ana felt herself yearn for Mal, faint memories of him defending the sisters popped into her mind.

Unbeknownst to the Starkov girl, The Darkling eyed her with determination from above. She could be just as powerful as Alina, and he would be the first to find that out.

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