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THE DARKLING'S SPARKLING EYES was all that Ana could focus on. "I-I'm sorry?"

Kirigan smirked at the unquestionable fear that ripped throughout her body. He gently guided her through the wooden door and inside his bedchamber. "I have not a clue of what to do with you, love. You can't seem to stay away from trouble. Tell me, what shall I do with you?"

Ana's throat ran dry with the thought of punishment. The heartrender was unconscious in the blink of an eye. Would he do the same to her? Or worse? Why did he stop them? Was it to deliver his own insufferable punishment? She had to get herself together. Figure out a way to get out of here. "Let me go back home and always remember me as the one who got away?"

He let out a deep chuckle that rumbled through his chest. A sound that entranced Ana for a moment. A peaceful moment. Why was she feeling this way?

General Kirigan walked away from Ana and circled around the center table. Ana had finally been able to take in his attire. He had the bottom layers of his daily outfit. A dark loose shirt and tight fitting pants that stopped at his ankles. His hair was slightly disheveled, a few hairs falling out to barely touch his left eye. A vision Ana stored away in the back of her mind to remember every time she closed her eyes. "As tempting as that sounds, I don't think I could let you go." A sparkle in his eyes had gone unnoticed by Ana as he finally glanced at her. "You have so much potential, Ana. It would be such a pity for you to waste it for some boy."

Ana found herself flinching at his venom laced words. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion until realization took over. "Some boy? You mean Mal? He is not just some boy. He is my family. He's your precious sun summoner's family as well. So watch your tone when speaking of him." Ana dug her nails into her palms to calm down.

The Darkling was suddenly right in front of Ana once again. A chill ran down her spine at the power radiating from the man in front of her. Fear and anger coiled at the pit of her stomach as she stood face to face with the devil himself. He grasped her chin between his pointer finger and thumb. "Watch your tongue unless you want me to teach you to respect your superiors, little dove."

Hot breaths mixed together for a few moments with thumping heartbeats as the only sound in the dimly lit room. Dark, hunger-filled eyes darted between Ana's widened ones and her pink plumped lips.

Ana blinked before pushing at his broad shoulders to get away from the Darkling. "I-I need to go." She made her way towards the wooden door and out into the bright hallway. Ana refused to let her eyes adjust and began running. To where? She had no clue. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes in a desperate attempt to relieve them. Thudding could be heard in her ears. Was that footsteps or her heart? With a panicked breath, Ana yanked open the closest door she could find and threw herself in there.

The door slammed shut and Ana slowly slid down the cold surface to try to collect herself. Before she landed on the ground, a candle flickered alive right in front of her face. Fyodor's face was quickly illuminated by the flame. Ana jolted up from her spot on the ground, but quickly composed herself. She must've been too distracted to hear his footsteps. Fyodor opened his mouth to begin his well deserved interrogation, making Ana raise her small finger to his lips in protest. She glared at the man while mouthing "don't speak".

Fyodor furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but accepted the orders from his odd friend. Ana listened for footsteps or any indication someone was outside the door. Sensing the coast was clear, Ana removed her finger from Fyodor's mouth. "I know you have a lot of questions," Ana paused to hear outside the door, "but I have to just ask one favor before you start. Can you get my sister and I out of here by dawn?" She finished in a hushed tone.

Fyodor was silent as he thought over her words. Ana prayed that, even if he said no, he wouldn't betray her and tell the Darkling. "Fine. There are no guarantees that this will work though."

Ana let out a breath she was unaware of holding in. She pulled her friend into a tight hug before holding him at arms length. "We need a plan."

Dancing With The Devil|The DarklingWhere stories live. Discover now