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NIGHT SETTLED ON as Ana was summoned to a dinner. The red Kefta Ana adorned, was no match for her Shu looks. All hope to blend in was lost now as faces could be seen. She quickly spotted Alina across the room with her two friends from practice. The memory made her cringe. Her pale fingers absentmindedly felt the scabbed cut under her left eye. Ana hadn't realized until she got to her room, that Zoya had gotten a few hits and scratches in.

Ivan's booming voice quieted the room. "News from the Fjerdan front." Ana sat up at the words that now piqued her interest. "The First Army, many casualties in the 18th, 27th and 36th battalions." Ana's heart dropped. She immediately glanced to Alina who was giving her the same petrified look. "Also among the dead, six Healers, four Inferni and three Heartrenders. The Fjerdan's will be no match against a unified Ravka."

Ivan was now staring right at Alina. "Why are you here eating figs, hmm? You should be training every waking moment to tear down the Fold." Ana's anger had resurfaced. Who was this guy to tell Alina what to do? Each thought had increased her heart rate.

Why not be training? Because she just got here! She shouldn't have to exhaust herself just because some man tells her to. BOOM. Ana's heart beat increased. The loud thump was all she could hear now.

Who gave him the right to scold her? She only just learned of her powers. BOOM. BOOM.

Fuck him. Alina should never be put on the spot like this. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.

Who does he think he is? BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.

Anger ripped through her body and into her hands. Her fingers danced to an unknown rhythm as her wrists twisted hard against her stomach. Before Ana knew, Ivan was on the floor gasping for breath. It was as if Ana left her body. She could see what was happening. Sensed what she was doing, but couldn't stop it. Everyone in the room frantically looked to see who was the culprit. None suspecting Ana to be causing this. She was a novice. And barely one at that.

Alina's eyes caught her sister's hardened gaze that sat on Ivan. She scurried to her sister and placed her hands onto Ana's locked ones. It was as if Ana had been flung back down into her body and her hands had soon fell limp in her lap. A young man locked eyes with Ana with realization crossing over his face.

"It was her! Get her out of here and alert General Kirigan." The sandy-haired man pointed to Ana as she sat frozen. Alina desperately tried to shake her out of the shock induced state she was currently in. Hands gripped around both of her toned arms but yet she didn't fight back. How had she done that? She had been training but not enough to do such things without thinking first. Alina tried to follow but her two friends had stopped the oldest Starkov from making that mistake.

Ana was led by two heartrenders to a room in the corner of the Little Palace. Her heartbeat sped up as memories of General Kirigan slicing a man in half had resurfaced. Ice filled Ana's veins as they inched closer to the dark wood door. The hand on her left bicep loosened as the unknown Inferni knocked on the door. Ana ripped her arms free from the distracted escorts, feet pounding with the beat of her heart.

The Inferni caught up to her, hands grasping at her arms once again. Ana reeled her elbow back into their face. A sickening crunch echoed from the hall accompanied by a yelp from her victim. Ana recovered from the scrap and took off towards a door at the end of the hallway. Pressure started to form on her throat. Her pale hands shot up to feel what was choking her to find nothing. Stars shot through her vision as the hallway blurred.

"Stop." A deep voice rumbled from behind her and then a loud thud. The pressure released and Ana gasped for air. A warm hand gently pressed against her back, a blurry face came into view.

"Are you alright, little dove?" Kirigan's brown orbs came into Ana's blurry view. Worry crossed over his sharp features. The world began to come back into focus after a few more seconds and Ana could make out the stubble that ran across his jaw. Her breath caught in her throat at their proximity.

All Ana could do was nod. Kirigan helped her up, brushing a strand of black hair away from her eyes with a soft swipe of his thumb. The muscle in Kirigan's jaw twitched as his gaze connected to the figure behind Ana, then back to Ana.

"Are you certain you're alright?" He scanned over Ana's features to make sure. Ana nodded once again, words failing her. Kirigan slipped his hand to the small of Ana's back to guide her to his room. Ana turned to follow him, stopping in her place at the sight of the two grisha on the floor in front of her.

The heartrender lay passed out on the floor, their chest barely moving. The Inferni coddled his broken nose as he still tried to catch his breath.

"You seem to be a terrible trouble maker, little dove."A smirk lay across Kirigan's plump lips. Ana's nose scrunched at the pet name he took a liking to. "We must do something about that."

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