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THE TWO STARKOV SIBLINGS chatted, making their way to combat training. Two young girls grabbed Alina's arms and pulled her away from Ana. Ana opened her mouth to object but both girls started talking nonsense. Alina looked back to Ana for help, receiving a pitiful shrug in response.

Ana made her way out to the corridor with a feeling of overwhelmed excitement. If only Mal could see her now. Kicking Grisha ass. Boykin immediately spotted Alina. Of course he could, she's one of two people that have Shu in their veins, bursting through to their face. Ana felt herself move further in front of her sister.

"You must learn to defend yourself fast. Do you know how to fight?" Boykin's words triggered memories from their time with Mal.

Mal was helping Ana prep for combat training. Ana had her hair tied up with a fraying hair tie, her dark hair had been almost to her tail bone at that time. A tight black bra and long black pants adorned her slender figure.

"Begin." Mal's words launched her into action. Ana's fists balled tight and swung at her best friend's stomach. Mal quickly dodged her attack and grabbed her other hand, pulling it behind her back and tightening her back to his bare chest. A huff left Ana's lips at the impact. His other hand had been at her throat, pretending to be holding a knife.

Mal's breath could be felt by her neck. Their lack of clothing had flustered her. Mal had seemed to notice and quickly let go of the girl. "Uhm-right. Don't be so slow with your movements." He began to show her a few tips on keeping her attacks fast and smooth.

"I've had some training." Alina spoke from behind Ana, breaking her out of the memory. Ana mentally face-palmed at her sister's stupidity. The most she's seen her train is when the kids from the orphanage would beat on her. Which never ended well for Alina.

"Show me. Pick an opponent." Boykin encouraged the girl. Ana scanned the area and immediately began sizing up everyone. Alina confidently headed toward a group of Grisha, pointing to the middle girl. "Her."

Ana couldn't believe what had gotten into Alina. Of course she's always been this stubborn, but never this stupid. Boykin went on about Zoya's expertise that only made Ana cringe more. This was going to be bad.

"Care to back down?" Zoya crossed her arms, challenging Alina. That was it. Alina would do everything in her power to take Zoya down.

"Not familiar with the concept." Alina confirmed Ana's thoughts. They readied themselves. Alina got ready for a fist fight, yet Grisha worked differently. Ana had realized that a little too late. Alina was almost instantly slammed to the ground.

Anger built in Ana as she watched Zoya walk off confidently. Alina got up and readied for another round. Zoya dodged each attack and swung Alina to the ground. The Grisha girl spoke quietly to Alina, not loud enough for Ana to make out the words. The next moment Alina threw a mean right hook and knocked Zoya down a peg. She could feel the pure hatred radiating from Zoya. Ana stood at the ready as Zoya blew Alina back a few yards.

It was as if a switch flipped. Ana's legs moved to the squaller and swung to knock the girl to the ground. Before Zoya could counterattack, Ana lunged to the ground and began to throw punches at the brunette. Hands yanked Ana away from Zoya's bloodied face. Ana screamed at the person who stepped in.

"If you ever touch my sister again, I will kill you! Do you hear me Zoya Nazyalensky." Ana kicked to get out of the stranger's grip and finish Zoya off. Zoya's eyes widened in fear, the left one swelling shut already. Fyodor took Ana away from the group and towards the little palace.

Fyodor pushed Ana against a stone wall to block her from seeing Zoya. Ana could only see red until she saw Alina slowly rise from her spot on the ground. Ana shoves Fyodor aside and helps Alina back to her room.

"What did you do?" Alina's voice was shaky. Ana looked to find tears rolling down her sister's reddened cheeks.

"She was being a bitch, Alina. She should've never even agreed to spar with you." Ana's nostril's flared in anger. Alina pushed away from her younger sister.

"I should be the one protecting you, not the other way around. I can fight my own fights, Ana. Sometimes I think you're related to Mal more than me." Alina huffed in annoyance.

"I- I'm sorry." Ana felt bad for Alina. She's always been the protector. Even when they were younger. Ana would go against anyone who bullied Alina or Mal.

"What if you had used your powers and killed her?" Alina scolded her sister. Ana winced at the term "powers". She still couldn't believe she was Grisha. Alina had sounded so disgusted that it threw her off.

"At least I would have the guts to save our country." Ana spat out and stormed off, leaving Alina alone with that thought.

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