"Nice to finally meet you," Dame says walking up grabbing her luggage from her. "Im Damai."

"Crystal nice to meet you too," she answers back shyly. "You know you don't have to do that." She motions to the luggage.

He fans her off. "It's Ight I got it." And with that he lifts it up into the air as if it weighs nothing carrying it upstairs.

I watch as she rocks back and forth on her heels nervously. "Did you tell him?"

"No." I lie. "You don't have to worry about that. You are family to me now. D takes care of family. We got you." I promise.

I trust Damai more than anybody and when I told him what happened he was 100 percent down for helping her. He's not one of those dudes she's probably assuming he is. I know she probably doesn't want anybody knowing about it and I feel slightly bad for telling him but he's my partner and we both live here. I felt like I have to be honest with him just like I'd want him to be honest with me. Year it's not my story to tell but still.

Damai Nathaniel's•

Rossi folds her arms over her chest giving me a amused expression. "You know I heard about your homeboy on the news. And I also heard about Mitch and what happened to y'all position in the company. If somebody didn't get the poor bastard first I would've definitely quit doing business with him." She says sipping her whine across from me in the restaurant.

I don't let my small smile alter at the fact that she brung up East. Instead I completely ignore that part. "Sounds like Mitch had it coming to him."

She gives me a smile looking me up and down. "Yeah it does doesn't it?" What's crazy is neither one of us had to say that I killed Mitch. Real recognizes real and she knows I'm somehow responsible. But she also knows he had it coming.

"I uh..." I clear my throat. "I asked you to see me because I know I turned down working with you before. But I want to now."

"Oh really? This wouldn't have anything to do with your friend being out the picture would it?" She questions curiously.

I shake my head. "No it has a lot to do with the fact that me and my girl just moved in a new place and I'm out of work." I give her an honest answer.

Rossi nods pursing her lips together. "Girl?" She repeats.

I nod. "Yeah. So you down for me to work with you or what?"

She nods. "Knowing you you're very professional and don't let shit get past you. I have plenty of different business but as you know the one that involves my family consists of product. I need someone professional to be in charge of making sure the product get where it needs to get and I get what I need to get which is all my money. Can I trust you to do that?"

I sigh running a hand down my face. "I appreciate you for wanting to put me on especially to family business but moving weight ain't for me. I want to do some legal shit."

"With all due respect look where legal shit got you?"

And look what illegal shit got me.

With East dead and me almost dead.

"Well that's what I'm offering. It's a job that's smooth and easy. Your basically the boss of everyone else except me. It's a good job and it's real good money. Better than that company or any moving weight type shit you ever seen." She promises.

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