Temporary Blood Contract

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Taka didn't turn back around and continued to leave not trusting the stranger at all.

Finally, the man seemed to understand he wasn't getting through to Taka and he conveyed hastily, "Look we would both benefit from the linkage and I'll even make a blood contract with you."

This made Taka pause. A blood contract? Taka snapped his head towards the man like he saw a three headed monster. "Really?" he asked unconvinced. 

"Yes really, as long as the terms are abideable and even. Pretty soon I won't have any blood left to do the contract," he breathed out a raspy choked puff.

Taka narrowed his eyes, this was probably just a last-ditch attempt to save his life. He admits though that the blood contract sounded very appetizing. But becoming a familiar again sounded just the opposite, Taka went back in forth in his mind struggling to do the best choice in the bitterly cold weather. 



"I'll do it," Taka took a risk, maybe it was the cold mixing his judgment, or the pure magic lowering his guard, but since a blood contract was mentioned he took his chance. Plus he disliked being so powerless.

Taka made his way over to the dying body of the man. "Why don't you just heal yourself with spells?" Obvious why, he was attacked by a dark witch and pure healing spells don't work, but he still asked.

"Some slimy haired dark witch..." he coughed harshly, "sneaked up on me." Taka snorted and hesitantly put a paw on his leg. "Let's do the link first," the man suggested.

Taka didn't like that idea, if he became the man's familiar he could easily control him into not doing the blood contract. What a stupid idea from a dying man, Taka would let that pass because he's undoubtedly dying.

Sensing the unwillingness the man smoothed the growing tides, "I'd like to be in my right mind for it, you can trust me, let's do a temporary one for now since they're faster."

Taka agreed.

A temporary blood contract basically meant it would last for only half a month. At the end of the month, the contract would be annulled. If anyone of the parties doesn't follow the contract rules, then death would be sure to claim the party.

With only three words from the green-eyed warlock, two rings of red appeared at the crown of their heads. The man nodded for him to go first, and Taka happily did so.

"1. Before this contract ends do a real blood contract and let me say whatever I want to say. And 2. Let me do what I want to do, this will also apply to the next contract. That's all for now, since you are dying I won't say more." Taka could clearly see it was getting hard for the man so he quickly said his finishing spell and 'submitted' his side of things.

The man gratefully nodded and cleared his throat, "We will do the blood contract, of course, all I ask from you is to heal me and for treatment to be fair..." And then he did the same as Taka had done.

The temporary blood contract was complete and now Taka had to become his familiar. After all, the only way to heal a witch is with a familiar's blood, it also applies to the witch, the blood of a witch can heal their familiar.

The only way for a familiar and a witch to be bound to one another is by saying their true name. It is a sacred and precious ritual... 

"My name is Taka." 

"My name is Ambrose."

A shockwave of power abruptly burst through the marshlands, all the grass bowed down at the force. Taka didn't waste time and used a spell to extract some of his blood quickly putting it over the wounded shoulder. Continuing to supply blood to the wound until the gash no longer bled. 

Ambrose slumped with a heavy sigh and was instantly out during the process. Taka rolled his eyes but greatly enjoyed the feeling of the lost power he gained back. Becoming a clean and warm kitty in only a matter of seconds. Who knew he would be fortunate enough to find water in a desert?

Taka glanced at the man with a frown and decided he needed to clean the fellow first. 



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