'I'll take that as a yes' I thought while walking away from the tomb. You came to halt near the water's edge and looked out upon the vast swamp. As you gazed about the bogs, you couldn't help but notice how astonishing the view was. Well... minus the smell...

In the distance, you heard a slight splash from the swamp however, I merely brushed it off as Kai throwing something into the bog out of fury. It wasn't unheard of to witness one of Kai's tantrums but the splash still unnerved me to keep my guard up. After all, the Venomari tomb was open and right now, we were in their playing field.

Kneeling down, you noticed a bunch of orchids growing near the edge. They're still just buds, it's not worth picking. You stretched your arms behind you; letting a subtle sigh escape your lips while you let the day's tension melt away.

However, we all know good things don't last. Your eyes widened upon hearing the slight 'shhk' of a knife. Whipping around, you winced as your arm was abruptly pinned to your back in an uncomfortable position. The cool metal of a knife swiftly slipped underneath your throat; you craned your head to see the snake that ambushed you.

Glaring at my (F/C) irises were 2 pairs of glowing gold orbs. They narrowed their slitted pupils as they let out a low hiss; pressing the knife even closer to my throat. Your head was beginning to feel light-headed.

"So... you're the one that has Pythor so enraptured with..."

There was barely any openings to escape. Whoever this snake was, it was obviously not one that you wanted to anger. Opening one eye, you squinted to get a better look at them.

'Venomari... looks like the general based on the tail...' You had to strain your ears in order to hear him. Their voice sounded as if it were barely above a whisper.

"A human... such a fragile flower. It's such a shame for someone like yourself to fall prey to a being such as an Anacondrai."

Well, hey now... that was a little uncalled for. However, you didn't have time to retort back as your eyes frantically scanned for an escape. Black spots pricked your vision as your free arm desperately grasped at the wrist of your captor. A sadistic grin etched its way onto his features; like a predator who has captured their prey or rather a snake that caught it's mouse.

Off in the distance, a shrill scream rang out, surprising the both of you. The sudden interruption made the snake behind you emit a low growl; luckily for you, this managed to lower the serpent's guard for just a slight moment.

Seeing this as an opportunity, you seized the opportunity by elbowing the serpent with all your might. Hearing a grunt, the snake crumpled to the ground while you sprinted over to the source of the scream. However, you failed to notice the slight tint on the serpent's face as he slinked back into the swamp.

"Guys..! What the heck is—"

I stopped in my tracks as twenty serpentine looked back in my direction. Pythor craned his neck slightly towards my direction but quickly averted to focus on the ninja. The ninja who were currently floating on a dissolving log and Why did Kai look as high as kite?

Damn it... really guys? I rolled my eyes while internally slapping my forehead because... really?! These guys are supposed to be Ninjago's heroes when they can barely focus on their training. Right as I was going to rush forward, a rope dangled in front of the log.

Above, a giant mechanical samurai descended into the swamp. Shaking off the shock, I ran over to the ninja who were currently watching over on the sidelines. "Since when did you guys have a samurai on the team?!" I panted out while gesturing over to the battling samurai.

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