Pranks Aboard The Bounty

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It's been a few days since you last saw Pythor but, you couldn't help but shake the feeling that you were being watched whenever you visited Ninjago City.

Today, you were sitting outside on the deck, basking in the rays of the warm sun. However, you did not expect the little gremlin to come trotting towards you with a mischievous grin.

Taking a sip from your near scalding cup of tea, you let out a sigh. You furrowed your brows. You knew you weren't going to get a moment of peace as soon as he began making his way towards so you might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

"Hey Y/N! Guess wh-"


You took another sip to prepare yourself for whatever trouble Lloyd was about to get yourself into. The pleasant warmth instantly calming your troubled nerves.


The little boy began bouncing up and down as if he were on a sugar rush. Hopefully, none of the ninja didn't give him any.

"Wu told me to teach the ninja a lesson! Want to help?"

At this point, you were going to get involved either way so you might as well accept the unwanted invitation. Besides, you probably needed something to distract yourself from the troubling thoughts that raced through your mind.

"Sure, you'll probably need help anyways when they attempt to kick your butt."

Though, setting up the pranks for Wu's 'lesson' was far less tedious than setting up the traps at Darkly's boarding school. In fact, imagining the troubled faces of the ninja proved to be more rewarding than you thought it would be.

Zane's pink ninja suit happened to be one of your favorites after making sure it was as bright as can be. However, dealing with the troubled ninja afterwards was way worse.

"You couldn't just be happy with the top score. You had to rub it in my face!"

"Do you know how long it took me to make that? Three days. Three days!"

"It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!"

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this? It's pink!"

You and Lloyd tried to muffle your snickers but that serious facade you both tried to keep came crashing down as soon as Wu revealed your positions. Roars of laughter came from the both of you as you saw the shocked expressions on the ninjas faces.

However, you quickly moved in front of Lloyd when the ninjas began calling dibs for who got to beat Lloyd's butt first.

"Even though it would be hilarious to watch you beat the crap out of Lloyd-"


"I'm afraid not a single scratch will go on his tiny body. Unless, you give me a reason to beat him up myself."

"I've been catching him stealing your jackets."

"Oh. Lloyd, you're going down."

Right when you were about to pummel the kid into the ground were it not for the sudden push of a staff, separating you and the ninja from the cowering child behind him.

Suddenly, the blaring alarm and Nya's voice came from the intercoms as news of Pythor spotted comes on through the speakers.

Greattt... back to facing deadly serpents out to get you.

Besides, you couldn't even fathom the amount of chaos that was about to be unleashed on all of Ninjago. I mean, what can one, terrifying snake do?

I'm back from my little hiatus! Sorry for the low quality of this chapter since my creative was going dry! I kinda don't like this chapter due to how sporadic it is. However, this chapter kinda shows an insight of what it's like to live with the ninja.

Now, today is another filler chapter before we go and talk about Skalidor and Acidicus! I can't wait to write the next chapter and hope you enjoy this story as much as I do!

Anyways, hope you have a great day and enjoy this chapter!

By the way, the contest is still open until we introduce Skalidor and Acidicus so can't wait to see what you guess. I already left a hint for Acidicus so I'm going to leave one for Fangtom this time!

Character hint! :
Fangtom - Obsessive, Posessive, ________, ________

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