Chapter 5: First Victory

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-----Saturday, 18/10/2025-----
-----Sadera, Falmart-----

The sun is shining, the citizens are socialising, and children running across the streets with their friends. Loyal citizens of the Empire are living their life in the Empire's capital, Sadera which is located around 600 kilometres east from Alnus. The people have heard of the ongoing war between the Empire and the foreign coalition force, which is the United States and Japan.

Merchants across Falmart continent acts as spreaders where they talked about the might of the unknown army. Most of the citizens brushed it off; even the nobles who had heard of the stories thought it was all fake, and probably thought the merchant smoked weird stuffs.

As for the Empire's sole ruler, Emperor Molt Sol Augustus, he currently sits on his throne in his palace. He has also heard about the rumours, which he had to accept it. For the consequences of his decision to conquer the other world, his army is basically in crippled state. Multiple veterans are pronounced dead, while new recruits went AWOL after they were deployed to counter-attack the foreigners.

He is blankly staring across the throne room, trying to solve the current crisis. He has ordered a scorched earth tactic to mess with the coalition force's logistics. But of course, he never heard such thing as modern technology.

The sound of a door opening can be heard by him, and his personal guards in the throne room. A bald man in his early 50s walks and bows before him.

"Ah, Internal Minister Marcus. What brings you here?" He glares towards the minister.

"Your Highness. It is a shame for me to convey you with a bad news."

He shows a confused face towards Marcus. He takes a deep breath before he continues.

"Our glorious Wyvern Corps has sent in an expeditionary force of 60 wyverns, just like you told me. But, I apologise Your Highness. But..."

"But what?" He glares in the eye of Marcus. This terrifies Marcus a bit but he knows how the Emperor acts.

"We lost them. Apparently our messenger informed us that 'flying-swords' obliterated the wyverns with ease. The wyverns tried to catch the 'swords' but.. it was said to be too fast, that no wyverns or dragons couldn't match the speed."

Molt drops his glass of wine onto the floor, upset about the news. He grunts a bit before he speaks.

"This can't be happening. These 'men in green' or something are putting a fight. By the way, Marcus.. how's the embargo doing?"

Marcus corrects himself before he speaks. "It's going on as planned, Your Highness. Soon, Italica shall fall and will crawl to Sadera with shame."

The Emperor smirks. "Very well. I'm looking forward to see the fall of Italica."

-----Alnus Hill, 1700-----

It has been days after the mission in Italica, but the excitement hasn't been completely wiped out from the pilots involved. They wouldn't stop talking about the mission, and looking forward for future missions.

Kazama looks towards his watch and notices it's the end of the day. He stands up and steps outside from his office; locking the door to prevent any unauthorised access.

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