Chapter 1: The Ginza Attack

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-----Saturday, 4/6/2025-----

It is a sunny and a scorching day in Japan, since summer has arrived. And it's Saturday, so you can expect citizens enjoying the weekend. Families going to the nearest mall, enjoying the day. Some even pay a visit to the park, or even enjoy walking across the city.

While civil workers are performing on their job, despite the weekend. But hey, it's their job. Let's stop lollygagging now and focus on our main character.

-----Hyakuri Air Base-----

A man in his early 30s is walking along a hallway, heading to his destination. Some personnel sees the bearded man and greets him. After minutes of walking, he arrives and steps outside of a door, as he reads the plaque in both Romaji and Hiragana.

Ryuichi Kazama / りゅいち かざま

He opens the door and lights up the switches inside the room, which turns out to be an office. He walks towards the table and goes behind it, as he pulls out an office chair and sits on it. He picks up a sheet of paper and starts to read its content.

1140 - Lunch

1330 - Flight Planning

1600 - Flight Briefing

1800 - Flight Preparation

He lets out a relieved sigh, as he takes a look on his watch.


"Guess I'm late for the food." He proceeds to stands up and walks out from his office. As he turns off the switches and closes the door, a familiar voice greets him.

"Kazama! You're going to the hall?" He looks around and sees a man in his mid-30s. "No, I'm going to the toilet. Mind joining, Ishikawa?" Both lads lets out a small chuckle before they proceed to the mess hall.


The men mentioned earlier is sitting, with a tray of food in front of them. As they are preparing to eat, Kento Ishikawa starts a conversation with  Kazama.

"Tell me, Kazama. Heard you are training for night flying tonight?" Ryuichi nods. "I guess I need to sharpen my skills. What about you, Ishikawa?"

"Flying after this. My men can't wait for it. Probably tired from doing shop jobs." Both of them again laughs before someone shouts.

"Ginza is under attack!" The shout took everyone's attention from the meal in front of them. The shouter points at a TV near them. A live broadcast from  is shown to everyone.

In Tokyo's district of Ginza, a horde of hostiles can be seen causing a ruckus in the middle of the city. But that does not end here...

"We are broadcasting live from Ginza, and we can witness a strange green-looking beast is causing lots of infrastructure damage and casualties. And we are seeing a group of... Cavalrymen? Cavalrymen and a bunch of swordsmen are charging for the citizens. The police department is fighting valiantly to buy enough time for everyone to flee into the Imperial Castle. We are descending to get a close--"

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