Chapter 18

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The car pulled outside the boys flat, ready to pick them up to take us all to Niall’s party. Harry was bringing a random date to the party seeing as he was the only one without a girlfriends  Eleanor, Sophia and I got out of the car and we went into Louis and Harry’s flat where all the boys were, except Zayn, who was meeting us there with Perrie. We were already dressed for the party so I was nervous about how Niall would react to what I was wearing. Eleanor immediately ran to Louis and embraced him, as they hadn’t seen each other in a couple of days, then Niall came up to me and his jaw dropped. 

“Niall, what’s wrong?” I asked

“N-nothing.. I-I.. you look stunning! I’m actually lost for words.”

I went bright red. “Stop it Niall, I don-”

Suddenly I could feel his soft, warm lips pressing against mine, instantly silencing me. 

“You look amazing” he winked at me.

“Get a room you two.” Harry groaned as everyone else turned to look at us.

“We’re in a room.” Niall said while laughing and kissing me one more time.

“We better get out of here if we want to get there on time.” Eleanor said taking Louis’s hand. 

We all left the flat and got back into the car waiting to take us to the hotel.

As we pulled up a block away from the hotel, the butterflies in my stomach were going absolutely crazy. I could see the cars, paparazzi and lights already, and I could see all the people walking into the hotel.

“You alright?” Niall said grabbing my hand, he must’ve sensed how nervous I was.

“Yeah.” I turned around and smiled at him. “Never seen so many people and cameras!” I said kissing him on the cheek.

“Tonight’s will be fun.” He smiled

“Yea.” I said as the car pulled up. I took a deep breathe and Niall squeezed my hand.

All the other boys and their dates got out of the car in front of us, and the roar of screams and shouts from the fans and paparazzi was deafening. My stomach clenched and my palms got all sweaty. Niall gave me another reassuring squeeze on my hand and we got out of the car.

The lights from the cameras stunned me for a bit but my eyes adjusted and I saw all the people entering the hotel. I balanced myself and Niall and I walked down the carpet a couple of meters until we had to stop and take pictures. This had been the part I was dreading the most. I took a deep breath in and fixed my hair. I looked over to Niall who gave me a reassuring smile. We looked towards the camera men who were all shouting instructions at us, as to how to stand, pose or look. Niall kept slyly saying random things which kept making me laugh. After about 2 minutes of photos, the paparazzi were taking their last shots, when someone called out for Niall to kiss me, thinking they would get the money making shot. My face went quite red, but I looked up to Niall who was already leaning in. I leaned in too and our lips met. It felt strange kissing him again, in front of the cameras, like the first time I met him back in Sydney, making it really special. When we were finally done taking photos, we walked down the rest of the carpet and met up with the other boys. 

“Quite the show Horan.” Harry winked at Niall, putting his arm around the blonde he had brought as his date.

I blushed and took Niall’s hand back in mine as we all turned and entered the party.


We walked into the main hall where the party was being held and I let out a gasp. The huge hall was decorated amazingly, and looked nothing like what was usually there of the old hotel. There was a huge dance floor in the middle with a bar to one side, a DJ desk at the back and seats and tables at the front and on the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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