Chapter 12

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Helloo... I feel so strange posting this after everything that has happened in the last 24 hours.. I'm so sad about Zayn but I want to keep him in this story because it would feel so wrong without him :( Thanks for all your comments though I'm glad you are enjoying it! 


Harry got off of us and walked over and put the movie in. 

“I’ll be right back.” Niall stood up and squeezed my hand before he left the room, but came back soon after, holding a few blankets. “I thought you guys would want to be warm.” He smiled. 

He sat back down next to me and threw a blanket at Lou and Harry and one at Liam and put the third over Zayn and I and himself. He put his arm around me and I snuggled into his chest. I was really tired and I could feel my eyes getting heavy and I began to fall asleep. 



Milly fell asleep on my shoulder. She was so cute when she slept. Her face all scrunched up like a baby rabbit. I was so happy to finally have her back in my arms. I don’t know what it was about her but every single time I looked at her face my stomach felt all tingly. I felt more nervous than before I ever go onstage, but in a good way. 

The movie was almost over and she was still asleep and I wasn’t sure if I should wake her up. I moved my arm to try and carry her upstairs but she woke up.

“W-what did I miss?” she said trying to keep her eyes open.

“The movie is over,” I laughed, “do you want me to take you upstairs so you can sleep?” 

She nodded and I bent down to pick her up but she pushed me away.

“No I’ll walk, I’ll kill you if you have to carry me I weigh more than an elephant.” She said

“You are actually kidding me Milly?” I said grabbing her by the waist and picking her up “you’re like a feather!” I laughed kissing her forehead as we left the flat and got into the lift taking her up to my flat.

I took her into the guest room and put her down on the bed. “Where are your pyjamas?” I asked

“Um, shit, I forgot them!” She said going to her bag and looking through it. "I can't believe this! Haha out of all the things to forget!"

“Here borrow one of my shirts.” I said running into my room and grabbing a clean one.

“Thank you”

“No problem.” I hugged her and kissed her again on the forehead “I’ll see you in the morning. I’m so glad you are here.” And I left and went back downstairs to the lads. 

I walked back into Harry and Louis’s apartment and the lads had turned on a game of football. I sat down back next to Zayn and Liam said “Is she asleep now? She looked like she had died and come back to life. Jetlag has hit her hard poor thing.”

“Yea she is fine, she’s just tired. Did you see how cute she looked though when she was asleep?” I smiled “I'm so lucky I met her."

“Yes, Niall you say that about 50 times a day!” Louis said

I blushed. “I do not!”

“Yes you do.” All four lads said in unison.



When Niall left I took off my clothes and put on Niall’s top and some underwear and I climbed into bed and almost immediately fell asleep. I don’t know if it was jetlag or something else but I had started to feel sick again. I was probably just over tired and needed a good night’s sleep.

The last thing I remember was hearing Niall come back into the flat.


When I woke up the next morning I was feeling better and could smell that Niall was cooking breakfast. 

I got up and walked towards the kitchen I turned the corner with my eyes still shut and yawned, “Morning Niall.”

“MORNING” I heard 5 voices yell to me. My eyes shot open and I saw all the boys sitting at the table eating. I looked down to what I was wearing and realised what little clothing I was wearing.

“Well shit. fuck my life.” I said as I ran out of the room. I grabbed some pants from my suitcase and put them on and walked back into the kitchen.

“Let’s start again shall we?” I laughed

“I liked you better without pants.” Harry said

“You better be joking, Styles.” I said slapping his arm and yawning again as I sat down at the table next to Louis.

Niall was busy cooking and it smelt really good. “What are you making? Need any help?” I asked

“Nah babe its fine I got it.” He said bringing over 6 plates on a tray.

He had cooked us all scrambled eggs and bacon and sausages and hash browns and pancakes.

“Enough food here Niall?” Liam asked

“Never enough food and you know it!” Niall laughed and everyone joined in.

I ate as much as I could before I felt like I would burst and waited for everyone else to finish.

The boys said they would meet us in the lobby once we were all dressed in half an hour, I asked what for but they said it was a surprise. I’d just have to wait and see.


I had a quick shower then got changed and then walked into the living room where Niall was waiting for me. “Ready?” he asked and I nodded.

We got into the lift and went to the lobby where the rest of the boys were waiting.

“So are you going to tell me where we are going now?” I said

“We are going sightseeing!” Louis and Harry said at the same time.

This was going to be a great day.


Sorry not much happened and sorry this chapter was quite boring.. ill post more soon or tomorrow :)

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