Chapter 13

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We walked out of the apartment and into the van that was waiting for us. The driver was going to drive us to tourist attractions and stop for us to get out and look. Not that the boys needed to look at anything again, they just wanted to show me around. 

Our first stop was Trafalgar Square. We got out of the car and the boys showed me the statues and a few things when two fans came up to us.

“Oh my god” one girl, "am I actually seeing what I am seeing right now?"

“Yes” Louis laughed.

“Do you m-mind if we get a p-picture with you?” the other asked.

“Yea sure,” Harry said

 “I’ll take the picture if you want.” I said

“No, we want you in the picture too Milly!” the first girl said. Wait what? They actually knew who I was? Well, of course they probably did, but still, it was a big shock. I went over and stood next to Niall. The camera clicked and the girls said thank you and walked away.

We walked over to a convenience store and got some food, as we were all hungry. I only got a chocolate bar because I wasn’t feeling too good, but as soon as I had eaten it I was still hungry. “Does anyone have any food for meeeee.” I asked fluttering my eyelids. Niall passed me the rest of his bag of chips and kept walking and all the boys stopped gasped and Liam whispered something to Harry.

“What?” I asked really confused.

“Niall doesn’t just give his food to anyone.” Zayn said walking up to me and putting his arm around me.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked still confused.

“You’re the one babe.” Liam said walking past us to catch up to Niall. I blushed.

We got back into the car and went to a few more spots before finally going to the London Eye. It was now 4.30 and I started feeling really dizzy but ignored it because I was probably just still tired. 

As we walked up to the queue I began to feel really nauseous and light headed. The last thing I remember was someone asking if I was all right before everything went black and I fell over.



I saw Milly fall over and I ran to grab her before her head hit the ground. I tried to wake her up but she was unconscious. What had just happened?

All the boys had come over now and we’re trying to see if she was ok, as well as some other people who saw as well. I picked her up and walked over to the car. The lads all got in and I followed. I put her lying down over our laps and told the driver to take us to the doctors. 

I carried her into the waiting room and the doctor came out immediately and helped me carry her into the room. He asked me to leave, as he would be doing some blood tests on her to see what was wrong.

I felt sick to my stomach as if this had all been my fault. Had she eaten something? Maybe she was really sick. I was my entire fault. What would her parents say? The lads came in and sat next to me in the waiting room, but no one said a word. 

Finally, after about 40 minutes the doctor came out. 

“I’ve done some quick tests and I am nearly certain Milly has a mild case of Narcolepsy.”

“W-what’s that?” I asked worriedly.

“Nothing too serious to worry about, if her case is as mild as I think. She is just very over tired and her body is under a lot of stress, therefore creating this sort of sleep attack. Her body shut down but should be completely fine in a few hours. I suggest you take her home and put her in a nice warm bed and then when she wakes up give her some tea or water and just let her rest up for a couple of days.”

“Thank you doctor” I said as I walked into the room to get Milly. I carried her out to the car and noticed a few paparazzi but I ignored them and got into the car. I held Milly on my lap not wanting to let go. I was so worried.

Once we arrived home I carried her to my flat and put her into bed. I couldn’t bare to leave her so I cuddled up next to her and began to fall asleep myself.



My throbbing head woke me up and I took in my surroundings. I looked up next to me and saw Niall’s sleeping face resting on the pillow next to mine. He looked so sweet. His eyes slowly opened and he sat up.

“Thank god you are awake!” He said hugging me. “I was so worried!”

“What happened?” I asked?

“The doctor said you had a sleep attack. From being really tired, but you just need to rest up and you will be all sorted.” he said kissing me on the forehead and standing up.

I slowly got up trying not to hurt my head and followed Niall into the living room. I sat down on the couch and Niall turned on the TV and walked into the kitchen, returning minutes later with tea. 

“Here you go, doctor said it might help as well.”

“Thank you but you don’t need to do this Niall, I’m fine!”

“But my baby is sick and I wanna make her feel better” he said in a baby voice as he came and sat next to me.

We watched TV for a bit before Harry and Liam came into the apartment.

“We just came to check if you were alright.” Harry said coming over and hugging me.

“I’m fine. We’re just going to watch some TV come join.” I said

“That was the plan.” Liam laughed.

We all watched TV until Niall and Liam got us all some dinner to eat in front of the television. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat much and as soon as the boys had finished we decided to watch a movie.

About a quarter-way through the movie I felt Niall begin to fall asleep so I cuddled into his arm and began to fall asleep as well. 



I saw Milly and Niall asleep on each other and thought it was the cutest thing ever. I got out my phone and took a photo. I went on to twitter and read a few of my mentions before starting my own tweet and attaching the photo to it.

**daww aren’t da babies so coot when dey sweep? @niallofficial & @mrssniallhorann. Like a wittle married couple**

I pressed send and laughed to myself because they were going to kill me tomorrow

“I hope you didn’t just post a photo of them.” Liam laughed

“Of course I did!” I joked. “We should go, let them get some sleep.”

“Should we just leave them on the couch?”

“Uumm yeah they’ll be fine.” I said and left the apartment with Liam.

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