Chapter 4

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Morning Beautiful – Niall xx

Did Niall just call me beautiful? What was this crazy dream I am in? As if he would even text me. I’m just a fan. 

Hey you! I think you sent this to the wrong person haha x I blushed at the thought of him sending that to me. I only met him yesterday.

Milly, you know that message was for you, don’t be daft! I’ll see you tonight :) x

Well then, in that case… oh my gosh. I died for a few minutes then regained consciousness. I have to be the luckiest girl in the entire world.

Wait on second thought, come earlier than 6.20, I want you to meet the lads x

Correction, I AM the luckiest girl in the world.

I got out of bed and looked at the time, 9.56, new record. That is the earliest I’ve woken up voluntarily all holidays. I hoped in the shower and washed my hair. 

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and my hair. I had butterflies already in my stomach even though it was over 6 hours until I had to go see Niall, and meet the rest of One Direction. Two days ago if you had told me that this would be happening I would’ve laughed in your face. I didn’t even get tickets to their concert let alone ever thought that I would meet any of them.

For the rest of the day I just sat at home freaking out, as the butterflies got worse and it got closer to when I had to leave.

I got dressed and did my hair and put on a light amount of makeup. I packed my wallet and phone into my pink bag, I was tempted to bring my ‘I love 1D’ bag but decided that might be really super weird.

I checked my phone. Crap. It’s 5.45. Niall wants me there now.

I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door yelling “bye mum” and shut the door behind me


When I got to the hotel, the amount of girls I saw had died down from when I had last saw from the photos on the news. But still the girls were singing and cheering waiting for the boys to come down. I walked up to the crowd and a few girls stoped talking and looked at me as I walked up to the guard.

“Um I-I’m Milly… N-Niall said he was waiting for me in the l-lobby?”

I said that a bit too loud because every single girl looked directly at me and I knew them all talking about me and some even were saying things loud enough for me to hear like “How does SHE know Niall?” and “What is she going to see him for?” and “Oh my gosh she is so lucky! I hate her!”

And I was lucky. I looked in the window and saw Niall standing there and look up at me. His face lit up. I blushed. 

“In ya go miss” as the guard let me through the door.

I could hear the girls screaming when Niall walked up to me. I could practically feel the daggers in my back being thrown by every single one of them. Whatever. Haters gon hate.

“Hey Milly you look nice” Niall blushed “Come on I’ll take you to see the lads”

I fucking loved the way he said lads. Shut up Milly.

We got into a lift and Niall pressed the button for the top floor.

“Penthouse suite. Fancy” I joked

“Seriously wait till you see it. It’s the nicest hotel we’ve been in yet!”

The lift stoped and Niall showed me the way to their rooms, I was freaking out. I was about to meet the rest of One Direction. I was about to faint

“Here we are” Niall said knocking on the door “Harrehhhh – let me in!”

“Its open you tosser” 

My whole body froze. I couldn’t do it! I was going to make a fool of myself like I always did

“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Niall asked me looking worried

“Sorry, you’re talking to the biggest directioner in the universe, I’m kind of freaking out.” I laughed nervously

“You weren’t freaking out when you met me?” he said raising one of his eyebrows

“Oh Niall, you have no idea” I said

He laughed and nodded his head towards the hotel room

“So are you going to come in or not”

I took a deep breath in “not” I laughed “jokes lets go in”

I walked into the room, every limb on my body shaking, we walked around the corner into the living room where Harry and Louis were sitting on the couch, with Liam on a separate chair and Zayn on the floor, all watching TV. When they looked up at me they all jumped up and rushed over.

“So you’re the reason Niall hasn’t shut up for two days then?” Liam laughed and looked at Niall who turned bright red and looked like he was about to strangle the floppy haired boy who stood in front of me. “It’s nice to meet you, Milly isn’t it”

“Yep” I gulped and nodded nervously

The next thing I knew I was being grabbed firmly around the waist and was being lifted into the air “Hi I’m Harry and we can be the most best of friends” he said squeezing me tightly.

“Only if you put me down! I can’t breathe!” I gasped

“Yea Harry put down Nialls girlfriend. Don’t want to kill her before their date.”

Niall shot Zayn the nastiest look. I just laughed and squeezed Niall’s arm for reassurance. “It’s ok, I’m not listening to them.” I said and Niall laughed.

Finally Louis stood there half smiling and waved “Hi I’m Lo-

"Louis, yeah... I know" laughed finishing his sentence. “um do you guys mind if I use the bathroom quickly? I forgot to go before I left” 

“Yeah sure, its down the hall to your left” Niall pointed out.

As I walked away I heard Harry say, “Good job mate, she’s fucking hot”

“Shut up Harry she is only 18! You like the older ones better anyway!” Niall smirked

“Yeah cool, shut up.” Harry said embarrassedly 

“She seems really nice though Niall, congrats mate!” I heard Liam say

I came out of the bathroom but before I went back around the corner I listened to see if they were still talking about me. They weren’t.

“Niall what time do we-”

“SHHHHHH” all five said in unison staring at the screen in front of them

“One Direction mania is spreading over the country like wild fire as the boys hit Sydney. Thousands of fans are camping out for days just to see these boys…”

“Why are you guys watching yourselves on TV?” I asked

“Paul told us they might say something bad, thank god they didn’t” Liam said

“Milly we actually have to go now! The movie starts in 20 minutes!” Niall said getting up from the couch and walking over to the door grabbing a scarf and a hat from the shelf next it.

“What’s that for?” I asked Niall looking at him

“Disguise, just in case the fans see us”

“Mhmm, are the paparazzi going to be following us?” I asked slightly annoyed

“Only if they find out its us, c’mon lets go” he said closing the door behind us

“HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE LOVERS” Harry shouted after us

Niall sighed and pressed the lobby button in the elevator.

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