Chapter 14

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The next morning Liam and I went back up to Nialls apartment to check if they were alright and we found Niall sitting on a chair smiling as Milly slept on the couch.

“What are you smiling at you tosser?” I asked

“I think he’s in love.” Liam whispered as he elbowed me in the arm and winked

Niall looked up at us and smiled whilst blushing. I went over to him and sat on his lap and ruffled his hair but he still said nothing.

“Thanks for the photo on Twitter Harry.” He finally said as he lightly slapped my arm and I laughed.

“No problem babe.” I winked.

“We brought you some coffee in case you wanted some, we didn’t think you would fancy leaving Milly.” Liam said passing him the cup and a bag with a doughnut inside. “Niall, is something wrong? You seem really down.” Liam added sitting down on the chair opposite us.

“Yea, I guess. I’m just really worried about her and I’m tired. I haven’t been able to sleep well; I keep waking up to check on her. Nothing to be fussed over.” He said

“Go sleep, we’ll look after her!” I said

“Reasurring.” Niall joked as he pushed me off of him and yawned and walked into his room. “Thanks guys.”



I woke up and saw Harry and Liam sitting on the couch next to me watching TV. I swear that is all these boys do. Sing on stage, be famous, and watch TV.

I sat up and yawned.

“Good afternoon sleeping beauty.” Harry winked at me and ruffled my hair.

“What do you mean afternoon?” I said confused.

“You slept all night and most of the day!” Liam said to me. “You must be feeling better.”

“Yea I feel great! Where’s Niall?”

“He is in bed asleep. Go wake him, we’ll see you later.” Harry said giving me a hug and they both left.

I walked to Niall’s room and opened the door. He was curled up in a ball on the bed and it was the cutest thing ever. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him and took his hand in mine and sat there holding his hand for a minute before he started to wake up.

“Someone’s feeling better!” He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me on to him and started tickling me. 

“No! No stop it! Stoooooopppppppp!” I said in-between screams and laughter. 

“Not until you kiss me.” He whispered in my ear and stopped tickling me.

I leaned in to kiss him and just as our lips were about to touch I blew into his face and stood up and ran out of the room laughing.

“Oh no you did not!” He yelled getting out of the bed and chasing me. “You can’t deny that you want this!”

“Deny!” I laughed still running down the hall and into the living room. 

Niall caught up to me and grabbed me by the waist and turned me around and leaned in to kiss me and this time I kissed back. 

After a few minutes he whispered “I think I love you.”

“I think I love you too.” I said with a tear rolling down my face.

“Why are you crying?” he said hugging me tighter.

“I missed you so much.” The emotions and stress of the past few days had just swept over me and I realised how much Niall meant to me and how great it was to be back with him.

“I’m here now. Its ok.” He said wiping the tear away from my eye. “Now, what would you like to do today?”

“Niall, its 3.30” I laughed

“What? Seriously?” he said. “Ok well lets just go hang out for the rest of the afternoon then we are going to go out for dinner” He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. “I’m going to go have a shower.”


I could hear Niall singing in the shower while I got out some clothes to wear from my suitcase.  I heard the water go off and I picked up my clothes and a towel and walked to the bathroom door so that I could have a shower next. The door opened and Niall came out with only a towel on.

“Oh my god how can you be so attractive?” I said 

Niall laughed and looked at me

“Shit. Did I just say that out loud?” My face turned bright red.

Niall just laughed again and said “The bathrooms all yours.” 


After I was out of the shower and dressed I walked into the kitchen where Niall was eating food. And much to my dismay was wearing clothes.

“Liam wants you to meet Sophia before we go out to dinner, because we thought you guys could hang out tomorrow because we have an interview all morning and then we could join you in the afternoon.” Niall said to me.

“Ok sounds great!” I said following Niall out the door and into the lift. He pressed the button for Liam’s floor.

The lift doors opened and we walked to the front door. I don’t know why I was so nervous. It was only Sophia. Aw who am I kidding? Ever since I had found out Liam and Sophia were dating I wanted to meet her and I was so excited. Hopefully I don’t make a fool of myself like every else thing I do.



SORRY THIS HAS TAKEN SO LONG TO UPDATE!! HOPE YOU ENJOY IT :----) also have any of you read our other story Why? what do you think of it? :) thanks for reading!!!!

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