Chapter 1

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I sat outside the building huddled in blankets waiting for it to open. It had been a day, which meant only two more until the One Direction kissing booth opened, and I was first inline, actually I was the only fan that had decided to camp out for this long. I was alone. Oh well more boys for me I guess. I laughed to my self. I’m hilarious. As I shut my eyes to try and get some sleep I heard footsteps coming towards me. I opened my eyes and saw a few men dressed in black walking around a boy. A boy that I instantly recognised. 

Was I imagining things? Was Niall Horan seriously walking past me right now? 

Shit! How did I look?

I tried to fix my hair and when I looked up and saw him standing right in front of me.

My stomach exploded into ten million little pieces and butterflies immediately filled my whole body.

Niall looked at me and laughed. The look that must be on my face right now.. Crap! Milly why did you have to be so ugly?

“Hey are you alright? What are you doing out here? Its freezing!” a perfect little Irish accent piped up.

I looked around to who he could be possibly talking to and then I realised it was me. Niall Horan was talking to me.  I felt like crying. Oh shut up Milly you stupid fan girl you are going to scare him away.

I looked up into his blue eyes. His eyes. They are so perfect. SHUT UP MILLY. 

Answer him! 

"Um h-hey, yeah I’m fine I’m just kinda.. well.. waiting for this to open. Wanted to be first in line I guess..” I said quietly. Idiot. Be cool.

“Why don’t you come inside?” he asked leaning over and holding out his hand. To me. I could feel the tears coming. Milly I swear to god if you start crying right now..

I just smiled… probably really creepily… and took his hand.

He helped me up and waited for me to pack away my blankets and food. Ew I must look like a hobo. I must smell bad. Crap what if he thinks I smell bad. Do I look ok? SHUT UP MILLY.

I followed him inside and was suddenly hit with a blast of warm air. I sighed happily; it must have been really cold outside. I was just too excited to notice.

“Whats your name babe?” Niall asked me

Babe. He called me babe. He so wants to go out. If I have to tell you one more time to shut up I’m going to kill you Milly. My brain is so annoying.

“U-um.. I-I’m Milly” I said shyly. 

“I’m Niall”

“Yeah I know” MORON! Why?

He just laughed. He probably thinks I’m a freak. I am a freak.

“So why are you waiting out in the cold? The store doesn’t open for another two days!” he asked after a long awkward silence.

“I-I um just wanted to be first. I didn’t even think you guys were coming out here..”

"We’re not.. they’re not, they have already had their picture taken, I still need to get mine done, they thought it would be easier if I came in, they didn’t think any fans would be here yet! Guess they were wrong. Haha.”

The kissing booth is for fans to go in get a photo of them taken and the people here Photoshop your photo and one of the boys kissing mid air so it looks like you are getting a kiss from them. This sounds so strange. I must seem like a creepo fan. Why am I even here?

“haha” I laughed nervously “Why did you ask me to come inside?” 

Niall looked up at me from his phone.

“Because you are a fan and you were outside and you were cold! I can’t let you be cold! And because I like your face.” He chuckled. 

D-did he j-just say h-he liked m-my face? Ok Milly you can freak out now. Niall Horan just said he liked your face. Holy crap. Holy shit. Holy mother of God. He likes your face. Be cool.

Too late.

I fell off my chair.

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