Chapter Twenty-Two- The Ballet Dancer

Start from the beginning

"You're a beautiful dancer." he said kindly, and I blushed deeply. "My names Louis, Louis Tomlinson Cowell, sorry for startling you." he said, holding out his hand to me.

I knew he was King Simon's eldest son, but I liked the fact that he didn't introduce himself as a prince. I took his hand and shook it once. There was a silence between us, and I realised he was waiting for me to speak. "I'm Ashley." I said nervously, running my finger over the bridge of my nose subtly. It was an annoying habit. I did it whenever I was in a situation where I was really nervous or there was a lot of attention on me, mainly when I was uncomfortable.

"So you do speak. I was beginning to think that you couldn't talk." Louis laughed.

I bit my lip, and blushed again. "No, I-I'm just really shy." I stuttered.

Louis gave me an understanding smile. "You remind me of my sister, she was shy at first, but I promise you that I don't bite, Ashley."

I pulled a thoughtful look. "Call me Chrysanthemum or Crystal...I answer to both." I said with a shrug.

Louis looked at me confused. "But your name is Ashley?"

"Yes it is, but, personally, I think Ashley is such a dull name. Where Crystal is spontaneous and adventurous." I explained.

Louis smiled at me. "You're a shy girl who wants to be spontaneous and's a bit of a contradictory statement, but I like you." Louis chuckled.

"And I find you to be a very calm and nice person." I replied.

Louis gave me a questioning look before bursting out laughing. I stared at him, wondering what I had said that was so funny.

"I'm...sorry...for laughing...Love, wouldn't be...saying that if you knew me." Louis said between laughing fits.

"Oh, thank God. I hate people who are serious all the time. I mean, where's all the fun?" I asked rhetorically

"Exactly, that's why I act like a five year old most of the time." he said brightly.

"Aren't you turning twenty this year?" I asked.

"Oh, you flatter me, darlin'." he said, trying poorly to imitate an elderly woman. "I'm twenty-two at the end of this year."

"I'm eighteen, and five foot four inches. I feel like I'm twelve years old most of the time, and sometimes I act like I seem, I have an older sister who is already happily married to a scholar. She's always been the smart one, where as I tended to pull more pranks." I shrugged, explaining myself.

"I love pulling pranks. A couple weeks ago, my brother Harry, put honey in my hair, so I had all these bees chasing me. I got him back waxing by all the hair off his legs while he slept, and surprisingly he didn't wake up once. He's a very heavy sleeper." I laughed, Louis smiling at the memory of his antics.

"I have a feeling that that's not the weirdest thing you've done, though?" I asked, laughing at the story he told me.

"I have an obsession with carrots, and I have a pet goose name Gerald..." he admitted, bouncing on his toes slightly.

"Well that's not strange at all." I said sarcastically.

The song that was being played came to an end, and a new one began to play. "Oh! I love this song!" Louis said excitedly. "Dance with me please?" he asked, holding out his hand.

I liked the song as well. Louis and I actually had something in common. It was called 'All About Us', it was a lovely song, and it described our moment perfectly.

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