Chapter 18.

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The caretaker of this orphanage was a fairly tall skeleton, looking about the same age of 50 maybe older.

He wore a dark blue robe with a hood, the robe having many sown details of different shades of blue, and on top he had a dark, almost black, part draped over his shoulders with water and wave patterns and everything was toped with a light blue belt around his waist.

In his hand he had a greenish blue staff with a frog sitting on top. To Reaper it looked honestly really cute.

"I apologize for not notifying you of my visit, but Ink wanted to meet up today in order for me to get something from him." Geno calmly explained.

"Oh, is it for your new apprentice?"

Geno nodded." Do I even dare to ask how you know already?" He said jokingly.

Alter chuckled." Well word travels fast in this town, and Ink might have mentioned it."

"Of course he did, that skeleton couldn't keep his mouth shut even if his life depended on it." Geno joked a bit." But anyways, this is my new apprentice, Reaper, Reaper this is my friend Alter" he introduced.

Reaper stood up  and bowed to show respect."it's nice to meet you Mr. Alter."

Alters eyes slightly widened once he recognised the person in front of him, but he didn't say anything, not wanting to panic the children.'if he's with Geno then he must be good. Geno would never risk the lives of the kids.'" pleasure is all mine" Alter said smiling warmly."Now I doubt that you had something to eat, how bout I treat you two, hmm?"

"Thanks, but there is no need, Alter, well be leaving soon to meet Ink at Grilbies, I only wanted to visit you and the kiddos while also introducing Reaper to the place." Geno said calmly.

"Oh but I insist, at least let me give you two a place to stay the night" Alter said as some kids agreed with him.

"Yeah! Stay here for the night!"

"You will stay for the night right?"


The kids kept asking with puppy dog eyes. Geno looked at Reaper, silently asking if its ok for him only to see him giving him the same look with the kids. "Pwease?" He asked looking hopeful.

Geno's face flushed a bit and he sighed." I guess that's fine, thanks Alter."

Alter chuckled at them." No need to thank me, Geno. You are my close friend, it's my pleasure to help."

"Still." Geno insisted.

After that they talked for a bit. Alter asking some questions about Reaper, how Geno was holding up and they asked him some questions about what's been going on in town. Looking at the clock Geno sighed.


"Wow, time flies by, sorry to cut this short, but we really gotta go now." Geno said and stood up from his spot. " C'mon Reaper, we gotta go if we don't want to be late."

Reaper nodded and fallowed his teacher to the front door.

"Ok we'll be back later then Alter, bye kids!" He said and exited the orphanage with Reaper fallowing behind as he also said goodbye.

They walked through the streets, Reaper looking around and Geno answering his questions, whether it be about magic or the town and it's history.

While walking they also past some shops for potions, weapons, clothing and food.

When it was around 11:54 they arrived at Grilbies establishment. The outside looked really nice and very well kept with some round tables with umbrellas. Some humans and monsters where sitting outside, sipping their drinks, eating their meals and talking with each other as some waiters took orders.

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