chapter 9🔞

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Ren and dabi made it to the kitchen and she pulled away from him coming to stand next to the one person that gave her some comfort. Compress.

"Happy to see you out of that awful place " he smiled at her turning down the heat on the burner.

"Yeah.." she sighed watching as dabi sat at a bar top by shigaraki.

"So ren... are you really going to hear me out and join us?" Shigaraki said locking eyes with her.

"I'm willing to hear you out and join if it means I find my brother alive.  "

"Thats good enough for now. " he stood up and came to stand infront of her as compress finished the soup and put some in a bowl for her.

"Here, get something in your stomach while you talk..." compress said quitely as he handed the bowl to her and took over shigarakis old spot.
Ren took the bowl and started spooning the warm liquid into her mouth slowly .

"Our plan for you is to leak confidential files from UA , even if others suspect you , your new guard dog will protect you blindly . In return we will deliver your brother to you"

"I dont have a guard dog, or access to any useful files " she said blankly.

"So eraserhead is just driving himself crazy over you for no reason ? And youe not the head therapist on campus? " Shigaraki asked slyly .

" I've only been in the role for a few weeks so I don't have full access to staff files . And as for eraser.. he feels responsible since he couldn't talk me out of patrolling so soon after the last attack" she looked at the floor .

"Eraser is beside the point." Dabi said, his eyes were burning into her skull. "Even if hes not wrapped around your little fingers you'll do this for us. " he growled .

"I didn't think you were in charge patchwork " Ren snapped  "or was I wrong ?" She said teasingly as she tilted her chin up to meet Shigarakis eyes

"You weren't.  " Shigaraki glanced back at dabi who had a angry snd shocked look on hid face .

"Good, then I'm gonna  need more out if this deal.. if I'm caught my entire life is ruined " she smiled finishing her soup and setting the bowl on the counter.

"Your getting your previously dead brother back in your life isn't that enough ?" Shigarakis eyes narrowed.

"Hell be previously alive when I'm done with him" Ren growled stepping towards him " so I'm going to need just alittke bit more " she grinned sweetly as she leaned in .

Shigaraki smiled and did a small nod.

"Fine what are you wanting ?"

"A different room for when I'm here, mine is freezing " she groaned

"All of the rooms are taken .."

"I do not mind allowing her to share my room until she leaves , I do have the couch I can sleep on " compress offered happily

"Absolutely not , she'll be staying in my room " dabi stood quickly knocking his chair back as he turned on compress
Ren jumped slightly accidentally reaching out and grabbing Shigarakis arm , her body shook slightly as she saw dabis fist clinch .

"Thats enough! She'll  be in my room!" Shigaraki yelled "someone's gotta keep a eye on her..." he sighed removing her hand from his wrist gently .

"Sir I think she'd be more comfortable-" compress argued but was quickly cut off.

"Ren will be sleeping in my room. End of story!" Shigaraki rose his voice once again and both men looked away with a nod , dabi kicked a chair across the room and stormed off .

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