chapter 6

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Rens now been working for u.a for two weeks now, meaning her and aziawa have been seeing eachother alittle over a month,  the dreams of dabi slowly faded being replaced by darkness filled rest . Aziawa stood frozen outside her dorm holding a box in one hand , a bag dangled from his wrist while he held lily's in his other hand . He'd been planning  this surprise since he saw her apartment but he was worried, his mouth felt dry and his heart was pounding in his ears.
He tapped the door with the toe of his boot knocking softly. 

Ren pulled open the door and met him with a confused smile seeing his hands full.

"Sho~ what is all this?" She laughed opening the door all the way and inviting him in. 

"Well.. um.. gifts because well I wanted to. " he stumbled for words as they both sat on the couch.

"I should have gotten you something..." she muttered as he sat the gifts on the coffee table.

"You can give me something later" he chuckled handing her the bag .

She laughed rolling her eyes and pulling tissue out of the bag . She pulled out a multi-picture picture frame,  there were five in total with two of them already filled. Shota had put in a old photo from high-school , it was probably one of the only old pictures of them together.
Oboro had gotten a teacher to take a picture of the four of them , Ren squeezed between oboro and shota as mic pulled the three in for a hug. Shotas face was bright as rens body got accidentally pressed tight against his own , his face was tilted away in embarrassment.
The other photo was a much more recent one mic had taken of them without either of them knowing until he showed it to shota. 
The two of them had been sitting in the field watching the students train.  Aziawa was leaned back on his hands while Ren laid on her stomach next to him munching on some berries , her head leaning on his knee slightly .

She couldn't help but tear up looking at this , no one had ever given her something so thoughtful.  She loved her pictures...


"And there's more slots so you can put some of your old ones up.. or we can take more.. " he smiled at her moving the bag away.

"T-thank you,  now I have something to hang on my walls too " sge smiled still trying hard not to cry.

"Now this one " he bounced slightly turning towards the table then back towards her with the box in hand .

"Theres more?" She giggled

"Well.. " he smirked , she could hear his heart now. He was anxious about how she would react to this gift .

She looked from him ti the box a few times before quickly pulling the top off with excitement and dropping the lid as her eyes fell on the contents

She looked from him ti the box a few times before quickly pulling the top off with excitement and dropping the lid as her eyes fell on the contents

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It was a collar, the moon tag on it had kitten etched into it .
Her brows knit slightly as she picked it up.

"Shota.." her ears dropped as she searched for answers .
He took the collar out of the box with one hand and her hand in the other.
"I want... I want you to be mine Ren... but... i feel we need to take baby steps towards that.. so for now.. this is my mark on you..." he said this so slowly searching for words every inch of the way.
"Just when your ready to take that step.. Wear it.." he sighed looking down from her eyes she could still hear his heart pounding hard against his chest.
She couldn't find the words to explain just how happy this made her but something was still... wrong..

"Sho, I love it" she smiled taking the collar from him then paused as she went to put it on. That's when it hit her...
"Shota... ?" She asked softly as her fingers played with the little bell.

"Yes kitten?" He inched forward.

"Do you love me.." her voice broke as the tears finally fell.. she hadn't even thought of love since toya but the more time she spent with shota the more she felt she couldn't live without him .

"Kitten... " he said softly. His pupils dilated as he met her eyes , he took a deep breath then closed his eyes with a huff. " Look kitten.. I dont think I'd be here today if I hadn't met you that night...I couldn't imagine going on the way I was alone Ren... " he rambled off quickly  before looking back into her eyes trying to calm his heart .

"Let me finish" he growled .
He stood quickly brushing his fingers through his hair.

"Look I'm going to talk... and if you still want this after I'm done put on that collar..." he took another deep breath

"I.. Ren I was engaged, she broke it off when we found out I can't have children,  it broke her heart... so she did what would make her happy ... I want a family but I can't give you one if that's what you want... I have so much rattling around up here" he gripped the side of his head gently " that I have to go to a therapist to un-bag for me.. because anytime I've done it I try to end it " his voice broke slightly before he cleared his throat " the only thing before you that got me through this was my students , but everyday that passes the closer they are to danger ... and one day I won't be fast enough... " he turned towards her slowing his steady pace " I'm a angry,  sad, miserable person and I don't understand why anyone would want to be around me ... and Im terrified that the further.. we go... the less you'll want to be around me..the more sad and miserable youll be.. but I need you.. it feels almost selfish "  he cupped her face in his hands , his heart was racing once again and there was a wild glint in his eye.

"It feels so selfish because for a moment everytime  I have you in my arms I think that it'd be worth it to absolutely ruin you... because I'm happy ... and I love you Ren.." his hands shook slightly as he gently cupped her face , he was holding his breath as he pulled away watching her closely.

"Shota... " she gripped the collar in her hand looking Down " i...can't have kids... i.I..might be the queen of emotional baggage but we can sort it together..."she touched his cheek smiling sadly at the flustered look on his face" and when it comes to protecting OUR students I've got your six Eraserhead... and I think its cute.." she tapped his cheek in a sift playful smack

"What?" He questioned as she stood up. He stood with her and put his hands on her hips. 

"That you think you can ruin me more mentally than a actual phyco-murderer " she scoffed looking up at him happily.

"Its been a very good mental month ren..." he muttered resting his head on her shoulder.

"And as long as we are open and honest we can keep it that way shota.. I love you too and.." she stepped back from him and  held the collar up to him " I'm not going anywhere cause this is getting good" she giggled as she brought it up to her neck and put it on . It rested comfortably at the base of her neck , the charms sat perfectly at the notch between her collarbones.
Once she finished adjusting it she looked back up at him and blushed.  His hands came up to cup her cheeks and his lips crashed against hers.


Sorry it's a lot shorter than the other Chapters but I needed to get it up and more will be posted in the next few days with a longer chapter

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