chapter 2🍋🔞

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Ren stared at him frozen.

"Y-your not going to take me to jail... ?" She asked softly as she took his hand and he pulled her up to her feet.
His heart was racing , that tiny librarian  from a few hours ago just took out two men without being detected and almost escaped him .

"Would you rather go to jail? " Her hand felt so delicate in his, he couldn't help but think about how it'd feel wrapped around his cock.
Her ears twitched nervously hearing the sirens close in .
God what a sexy little thing she was.

"No!" She pulled her hand away and stepped back .
Snapping him back from his impure thoughts
"Then coffee , let's go" he pointed off in the distance and started towards the edge of the building , she followed and soon both of them were jumping from building to building . They stopped to allow her to change into her street clothes again and continued to the coffee shop.
Aziawa jumped down and looked up to her
"The Cafe is right here come on kitten "

She hopped down next to him

"Call me Ren" she laughed following him out of the alley

"But aren't you a cat?" He asked bluntly

"N-no I'm pretty sure I'm a girl " she giggled playing dumb to what he meant.
This conversation felt familiar.

-"she's a cat? " Aziawa sighed walking beside mic and oboro . His face heated thinking how cute and lost she looked as she searched the crowded UA hall.

-"I'm pretty sure she's a girl " oboro chuckled pointing towards a girl with giant black ears

He rolled his eyes and held the door open for her. They made it to the counter and sat down once they both had coffees.

"So..." Aziawa said fidgeting with the sleeve on his cup

"So..?" She raised a brow

"I honestly wasn't expecting you to come so easily " he laughed

" what did you think you'd have to tie me up and drag me here? How could I say no to my favorite hero" she giggled then paused before hiding her face in her hands.   she blushed dark with a sigh .
Aziawa gripped his coffee thinking about how easy it'd be to suspend her from his beds canopy top.

"Well considering your night job-" he almost missed what she said "did you say favorite...?" He asked softly studying her closely.

"...yes...i..I've always thought you had a very unique fighting style even in school .. and your not in this for fame... its refreshing " she muttered into her hands

"School?" He pulled her hands away from her face, she nodded slightly blushing red at this point

"Ay! Shota! Shouldn't you be on pat-  FUYU? Rena fuyu?!" Present mic rushed over scooping her out of her chair , aziawas heart dropped.

He hadn't thought of that name in years , Oboro had introduced the three of them his second year. She was in the class below them but that didn't stop oboro from bringing her over after hearing her gush about how talented aziawa was in the festival.
He remembered how tiny she was then , her ears way too big for her head and tucked down. As she shyly hid about oboro as he dragged her over to say hello.. He ignored her he didn't want it , she was so stinking cute and small he just wanted to protect her but he was so awkwardly shy he'd run any time he saw her and she was still a fan ... he was still her favorite after blowing her off in school, it'd been almost 10 years since then no wonder neither of them recognized eachother at first.

"Y-yamada?" She laughed hugging him back "wow , it's been so long! You've barely changed a bit"

"I can't say the same for you , your ears finally fit!" He sat her down and poked one of her ears, it twitched quickly and she shuddered sucking in slightly .

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