"Well..." he revealed a hidden safe behind a painting. He unlocked the safe and pulled out a well-worn shawl. "This shawl... is all I have left of my Baelfire."

"I don't suppose I could come with you?"

"No, I... I... I truly wish you could, but... I only have enough of this potion for one object." He put the shawl back into the safe. "This is my journey, Belle. This is my journey. I'm afraid it's something I have to do alone."

The two hugged before Belle said, "I know."


Belle was reading at a table in a pub. She watched a crowd gather around a man on the other side of the room and the man said, "There's a fearsome beast ravaging a faraway kingdom. Its eyes burn with fire. They call it the yaoguai. No man has been able to kill it, but we will. There's room on our wagon. Now, who's going to join us?"

Grumpy approached Belle's table and sat. "Looking for an adventure?"

"Dreamy, right?" Belle questioned.

"Yes. I came to thank you. That advice you gave me last night? It worked. Nova and I are running away together."

"That... That's wonderful."

"Why don't you sign up?"

"I, um... I've always dreamt of heroics, but... I think it's safer I stick to my books. They're the only adventures I know that have happy endings."

"Well, maybe this one'll have one, too."

"Well, yeah, I doubt it. Last time I faced a beast, it... It didn't end well."

"What are you talking about?"

"Men, follow me," the man said. "Yaoguai awaits." The men began filing out of the tavern.

"Get on that wagon. Go. Take a chance."

"Thank you," Belle replied as she packed up her book and went to leave, but Grumpy stopped her.

"Wait! Belle, wait. It's fairy dust. Might come in handy." He handed Belle a small satchel.

"Oh, no... Thank you, I... I've seen what magic does to people."

"You've seen what dark magic does. Fairies use this for good. Now go be a hero."

"Okay." She ran off to catch up to the group.


Belle made her way to the library and entered. She grabbed a handful of books to put away. She ran into Hook, who was reading a book in one of the aisles.

"Uh, sorry," Belle apologized. "The... The library's not open yet."

"Oh. I'm not here for the books, love," Hook told her."

"You. You're one of the ones who broke into my cell at the Queen's palace." She ran into the main part of the library and Hook followed her. "You wanted to kill Rumpelstiltskin."

"Oh, I still do. But, right now, I'll settle for you."

She pushed a cart of books on top of Hook and ran into the elevator. Hook freed himself from the pule and dashed towards the elevator, but the door shut in his face. He banged on the door.

Belle called Mr. Gold from inside. "Hey, Belle."

"Rumpel, I'm... I'm in the elevator," Belle said. "There's a man here. He broke in. He wants to kill me."

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