Lando Norris- Secrets are never secret for long

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Requested by nini_lx

11: Are you jealous?

As it becomes more and more evident in Lando's secret relationship, y/n needs him more than he is able to be.
Not even due to circumstances, but social media would have a meltdown. Very few people know what is happening between them, not even their own team mates and friends.
He looks around the media pen, but he can't see the typical red flowing hair. Lando spots her team mate Max looking around too.
Lando relaxes once he spots her, not in a good place and just sitting with her back to the media. Her anxiety getting the better of her.

Having gained her first podium, in F1. Lando thought she would be happier. But no. He has to stand and watch Max go over to her and have words. Max in his usual blunt way, picks her up and makes her stand. "No tantrums.. come on. I know it's hard, when your words get twisted constantly. But brush it off and smile. The haters hate it." Lando overhears them as he walks passed them.
"Come on Lando..." Charlotte moans, as Lando sighs loudly.
"Can't I just stay a little longer" Charlotte shakes her head. "No. Come on. We need to go do F1 YouTube."
Lando looks around at y/n one last time and sighs. He can't even get her attention as he walks passed again. Max looks at him funny, but nudges y/n.
Who turns and looks at Lando.

"So Lando you were pipped to third place from y/n. We know there is always rumours right now, as so many other drivers have had their own divided opinions on how well she is coping. How do you feel about her getting the third podium?"
Lando bites his lip. "I'm proud of her. A bit annoyed that it was a last corner over take. But I'm proud of her. Our opinions always get twisted regardless of what we say and I think it is more the girlfriends, rather than the actual driver who has the issue with her doing as well as she is."
Charlotte looks shocked. Lando has often complained about y/n to hide their relationship. Even been seen out with his ex, that went down horribly behind doors.
"She has had a great weekend... she deserves the podium as much as I did. I'll maybe take her out next time though. Rather than being beaten by her." He tries to think of way to keep out of trouble. But he spots her face.

"Are you for real?" Y/n says as she hears Lando's statement. His face drops. "It was a joke!! You know I'd not do it on purpose..." Y/n shakes her head. "I thought I could trust you!! It's done! Finished." She shouts and walks away from him.
Lando watches her as her walk quickens into a run. He feels like the biggest tool in the toolbox.
"Oh. Care to explain?" Lando shakes his head, biting the inside of his lip. "I need to go. Sorry." He takes off before being told he can't.
He knows he has fucked it up.
But hoping he can fix it before it's too late.
He knocks on her room door. But no answer. He doesn't leave as he can hear her moving around.
"Baby.. can I come in?" He opens the door and spots her in corner of her sofa. No one around her, not even her team.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." Y/n shakes her head at him.
"Are you jealous? Do you want my seat?" Lando shakes his head. "No. I love my team... it was just about the podium. Nothing else." Lando looks at her. She is that angry she isnt even looking at him.
"Baby. I love you. You know this! So why would I be a dick about you. I'm not jealous I'm proud of you!! I said that."
Y/n shakes her head. "Nope. I'm not taking it. You and your friends can go fuck off. Now leave as I need to change and get ready to leave."
She gets up out of her corner and starts to push him out. Lando stops and digs his heels in. "I'm proud of you. What don't you understand. Me and my friends? You mean the ones that have already congratulated you?"

Lando ends up out of the room before quicker than expected when Christian comes to congratulate his new star. "Everything okay Lando?" Lando nods his head and leaves.
He doesn't see or hear from y/n.
Instead waking up to reports of an unexpected F1 couple.
Max Fewtrell has sent him a story about the rumour. "Y/n parties with Charles Leclerc after her podium...
Y/n and Leclerc were seen dancing and getting close on the dance floor. Even at one point kissing, even though Leclerc has a girlfriend back home in Monaco and Y/n has been rumoured to be dating Mclaren driver Lando Norris."

"Why are you sending me that?" Lando asks Max, trying to be innocent. But inside dying a little, their secret out and she is seen out with Charles. "Eh since when were you dating her? Why didn't I know about it?" Max badgers him into answering and coming clean.
But all in vain.
As y/n Snapchat's makes the rumour true, as she has snapped herself in Charles room.
"Now I'm jealous.. why are you with Charles. Of all people? Does Charlotte know?" Lando can't help but texting both of them.
"I'm in my own room you donut. So I don't know why you are jealous and fuck Charlotte you know she's the reason that some of the girlfriends don't even like me... so fuck her Lando."
Lando smiles. This is the typical sassy y/n that he knows. "So no kissing Charles?" He replies hoping that it was all just lies.
"No. Why would I? Think your fans are enough to deal with."
Lando sits laughing. "Come to my room then and make me not jealous." This way he will know if she is lying with what she is wearing.

He hears a gentle knock and Lando can't help but smirks when he looks at y/n. She is in one of his old McLaren T-shirt's. "oh. Wasn't expecting that shirt." Y/n smiles at him and snuggles into his shoulder. Lando instantly feels at ease.
"So no kissing Leclerc?" Y/n looks up and smiles. "Maybe a little one... but nothing like I do with you. Honest." Y/n kisses Lando and starts to push him in the direction of his bed.
"I love you.. I can't keep this a secret anymore y/n. I don't want to keep it secret anymore." Lando says after they have make up sex and y/n is safely snuggled into his chest. Lando does what Lando does best and take a bed selfie with y/n's red hair on show. Letting his fans know, he is very much happy with his girl.

"Proud of this one... how incredible was she yesterday."

Third Book- F1-F4 one shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant