Charles Leclerc- Strength.

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"Proud of you kiddo.." Charles wraps his arms around you. Glancing at his girlfriend, you smile and allow him to hug you.
Even though you know the filthy texts he has been sending she has no clue and neither did your boyfriend.
Ever since you met him at the ferrari museum, he had been sliding into your DM's and sending you nudes on Snapchat.
But now it's different, it had been a while since in the same circuit as him.
He said he loved your style, as you just didn't care about how you should appear whilst doing the sport you loved.
But your night out outfits were always short, always cling to your curves and you believed in the free the nipple movement on Instagram. Often showing your own pierced nipples in sheer or mesh tops.

You had spoken out about a taboo subject and Charles was the first to support you. The Leclerc's in general were always the most supportive.
"We best go and get ready... y/n." Your boyfriend of only a few months tugs at your arm. "Yeah I'm coming Franco." You smile at Charlotte and Charles.
"Good luck.. not that you need it." Charles says, cheekily tapping your bum. He winks at you as you turn to make sure Charlotte hadn't seen.
"He best be supportive of you... otherwise he doesn't deserve you darling. I know the other academy boys love you, never mind the Prema boys."
"And me obviously."
Looking at your phone, you smile and then turn it off. Pre qualifying/ racing ritual.

As you get to parc ferme you already sense Franco is mad at you.
He refuses to even look at you. Never mind congratulate you on pole.
Standing speaking to Mattia, you can hear Franco's raised voice and Arthur and Ollie being on the receiving end.
"You are deluded!! She brought it on herself, like she always does. Center of attention my ex loves to be. Don't you?" He glares at you. "Uhm what? Ex?" Colapinto nods his head at you.
"You think I'm stupid.. his brother all over you.. sending you flowers. Being proud of you. For what? Losing a baby and writing about. Well done your body failed us. I'm proud of you too.. I'm now not stuck with you forever. Don't think I've ever been so happy."
Arthur punches him, sending Franco flying backwards.
You run towards Arthur. "Stop. Stop!!" You wail at him, losing control of your own emotions and the tears start to flow. But Arthur throws his arms around you. "Come here.. you done nothing wrong. Don't listen to him."
Both Charles and Carlos stick their heads out of hospitality, checking what the commotion is.
You smell him before you realise his arms and body are guiding you inside, Charles doesn't let you go. As you cry into his chest.

"What happened? Arthur." Charles is annoyed that Arthur's temper got the better of him. "I'm not saying what he said. But he deserved it. I will put out a statement, apologising for actions. But he still fucking deserved it."
You feel Arthur's hand on your shoulder, squeezing it. "No one thinks what he said. You know that right? Y/n. Please."
As you move away from Charles chest, you look at Arthur instantly. Shaking your head. "It did fail. I pushed myself too much, not thinking it would do any harm."
Arthur groans. "No. He's an idiot. He's stupid. He doesn't deserve you crying over his spiteful words."
Charles looks confused.
"What did he say? Guys. Help me out."
You eventually pull your eyes around to face Charles.
He's looking at you and Arthur. "He said he was glad my body failed. He said he was happy it had as he didn't have to stay with me."
Charles face gets red and annoyed. Shaking his head, he throws his hand through his hair. 
"I have no words. Arthur, want to get y/n a drink and a cookie." Arthur leaves and Charles puts his hand out to you.

"Come here baby. I still want you... badly I could tell you how much, but you can just feel. Since we are alone and I can get you to myself finally." He pulls you close and kisses you for the first time. "Charles..." you hear yourself breath as you push him away. "We could be caught..." Looking into his blues, you stop what your saying and just allow him to kiss you. "Good girl. I will come to your room later... show you how much daddy appreciates you being a good strong baby girl. Yes?" He grabs your chin and forces you to look at him. "Oui papa." He smirks at you.
"Now let's fix you, yeah? He's the one who doesn't deserve you and you go out there with your head high and show him he can't get to you. You are beautiful, talented, funny, kind, loving... Best of all mine."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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