Marcus Armstrong- Everyone wants her

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Requested by CecilieF1

7- I would love to take you out, but you are well out of my league

As his final race in F2 nears, Marcus is sitting texting one of the girls he had always wanted back home in New Zealand. It is someone that is known to his family, as she is gotten closer to his sister over the years that he has been away. He sighs as he spots yet another photo of Paris and the girl on instagram.

"Oh who's that?" fellow Kiwi Liam asks him. Marcus shakes his head. "Just some girl that my sister knows. Way out of my league." Liam laughs at Marcus. "No I'm sure she knows Holly. My sister... This is her?" Marcus nods his head. "Is she here?" Liam nods his head. "Yeah. Holly and y/n have came over for this weekend." Liam tells him. "I'll call her and see where they are."

Marcus watches Liam, trying to not get his hopes up. But spots the girl a mile off. "Oh mate well out of your league." Liam laughs, when he spots her. "Juri.. Look the girl with my sister... Think she is in Marcus's league?" Juri laughs, but keeps staring at the girl. "She could be a model." Holly is holding y/n's hand, but drops it to hug her little brother. The girl looks at Marcus and smiles. "You are P's brother aren't you?" Marcus nods his head. "Yeah if you mean Paris." Y/n nods her head. "Yeah.. So you stay in Italy?" Marcus nods his head, worrying if they will get out of the chat about his sister. "Does she know you are here this weekend?" Marcus asks her. "I'm not sure. Why? You going to call her?" Marcus grins. "Yeah if you want to be on facetime with her."

Of course he instantly regrets his choice. As Paris demands to see what y/n is wearing properly. So he has to watch y/n shake her bum at his camera. "You two look cute... together dare I say it?" Paris teases Marcus, as he watches y/n speak with Juri and Liam. Marcus pouts at her. "Oh? Do you like her? She is amazing. I wish i knew she was coming out and I would've came." Paris says to him. "Out of my league. So they two are saying. So I have no chance. I actually think Juri's girlfriend needs to worry with how he is looking at her." Marcus says. "No go steal her back.. Ask her out for sushi and ramen. Honestly she will be yours. Steak ramen is her thing and a side of spicy tuna cali rolls." Marcus goes and grabs y/n's hand. Paris watches how Marcus is looking at her. "Byeee babe. See you when I get back. Love you." Paris laughs and says the same to y/n. "Could I steal you for a bit? I need a bit of time out from the whole racing headspace." Marcus is shocked when y/n nods her head. "Yeah of course. What do you want to do?" Marcus shrugs his shoulders, he hadn't actually thought she would agree.

"Oi.. Y/n get your ass over here and get a photo with us." Holly shouts at her, before they leave. "Take the photo please? Save me?" She teases him, grabbing his hand and handing her phone over.
She stands between Juri and Liam, smiling at him. "You smell good." Y/n smiles at Juri is obviously taken by her. "Thank you." Y/n says to Juri replying to him.
"So do you know a lot about F1/2?" Y/n nods her head. "Yeah. I do. I've known the Armstrong's for years. Why?"
Marcus laughs, watching Juri's face drop.

"Heads up gal.. Marcus might ask you out...." Marcus's heart sinks. He can only see so much of the text. But he can only imagine what his sister is saying.
"Y/n.. here's your phone. I'll see you around." Marcus quickly walks away, not wanting her sympathy.
"Where'd you go?" Marcus smiles, when he sees the text. Y/n has went to the effort to get his number off of Paris.
He calls her, rather than trying to text her where he is.
They eventually find each other. "Why'd you run off? Thought you wanted to go grab a coffee or something?"
Marcus sighs out loud. "I thought you liked Juri." Marcus can't help but smile, when she shakes her head.
"No. Why do you think I have the photo? I know you saw half the text from your sister. You can see it all." Marcus shakes his head, worrying about what he'll see.
"Come here.. I want a photo with you. If I have one when Liam. I want one with you too. Please." Marcus nods his head and snuggles up beside her.

"You do smell amazing... you look insane." Marcus tells y/n. She looks into his eyes and smiles. "Thanks... if this was a Rom-com. We'd be kissing right now." Y/n teases him. Marcus starts to blush. "What would you do if I did?" Y/n looks at him. "Try and find out." She teases him, slipping her hand into his.
"Coffee first?" Marcus stutters out, taking her back to the Dams truck.
Happy when she talks to all the guys on his team. He is even more happy when he has been able to grab last minute booking for a Japanese restaurant.
As Marcus does his qualifying, Holly seeks out y/n. "Are you coming for dinner with Liam Juri and I?" Y/n shakes her head.
"I'm going out for sushi with Marcus." Holly screws her face up. "Come on.. Juri really fancies you and is single." Y/n shakes her head.
"No. I'm good with Marcus. But thanks though." Y/n says before Holly can say anything else. "Really? But Juri would make sense."
Y/n shakes her head. "You are here with me though. Not the bloody Armstrong's." y/n shakes her head again.
"Don't be rude. I've not seen Marcus in forever."

Y/n sticks to her plans with Marcus and even greets him with a peck on the cheek. When he comes back. "I need to quickly go over some data then I'm good to go." Y/n nods her head and looks at Holly, who storms away.
"Come on. Let's go get dinner. I'll come in early tomorrow and go over data." He smiles at her.
"You sure? I don't mind waiting." Marcus shakes his head. "Come on. Let go get food." Marcus entwines his fingers with y/n's as they walk out of the Yas Marina.
They sit chatting and eating sushi. Marcus can barely believe he has managed to get her out to dinner.
But he has fun just speaking to someone from home.
Walking around after food, she giggles at his jokes and looks genuinely happy in his company.

"Did you mean it? In a rom com, we'd have kissed by now?" Y/n nods her head. "Yeah. Why? I didn't think I was your type.." she says. Marcus looks shocked. "What! You are. But also way out of my league. I'd love to take you out properly. But you are out of my league. I know it's what Paris was saying." Y/n laughs. "No. She wasn't. Yes she told me to make sure you have support this weekend. But not anything about going out with you. Come here idiot."
She pulls him into her more and kisses him. It takes him by surprise and he drops his coffee. "Jesus!! Y/n. I wasn't expecting that." He says, without thinking.
Y/n starts to laugh. "Wait. Are you allowed to do this before a race? Or two?" Marcus rolls his eyes at her and starts to laugh. "I'm sure kissing is okay... or are you wanting more." Y/n goes red. "Uhm. Yeah. Maybe more." Marcus doesn't need any more convincing and they head back to his hotel room.
But he is sure y/n regrets it when she is woken up with his alarm.

"See you at the marina?" He asks. "No.. well yeah. But wait 5 mins and I can do my make up in the car."
Marcus grins at her. "No getting away from me now then. I gave you an out." He laughs. Y/n nudges him. "I'll meet you downstairs. I'll run and get changed." Y/n says.
Marcus sighs, watching her leave.
"Whatever you said to y/n. Thank you. I owe you one." Marcus texts his sister.
He sends her a few photos of them on the date, the previous night.
When he gets downstairs, y/n is speaking to Holly and Liam.
"You okay?" She asks him, as she smiles at him. Marcus nods his head. Y/n puts her head on his shoulder, not really thinking about who's around them. Much to the Lawson siblings annoyance.
But y/n doesn't seem to care, so Marcus doesn't over think it. Grabbing her hand as they walk out to head to the Yas Marina.

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