Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1 : ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛʀᴀɴsғᴇʀᴇᴇ

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"Shima-kun... Wake up, Shima-kun!" Hana grumbled, shaking her son's sleeping figure on the bed.

"Shima-kun! Wake up or else you'll be late for Cherryton!" She grumbled once more as she placed her hands on her hips, clearly annoyed at her son's behavior. Her eyebrows relaxed for a minute before a light bulb went off at her head.

"Oh Shima~" she teased, walking to the door before opening it "If you won't wake up, then I'll just drink all of the fruit juice~" she smirked as she closed the door behind her before chuckling as she heard the sheets rustle behind the door.

"Not the fruit juice!" Shima yelled, afraid that he might run out of them. Fruit juice was his favorite, he won't care if someone uses random fruits in making the juice, he was only interested about how it tastes.

"Get a shower first, or else~" Hana teased again making the boy give a mad dash for the shower, rushing his bath in order to drink the oh-so-good fruit juice.

"Shima Hakitori, Human. weird right?" He asked himself in the shower. he was one of the few humans that lived in this world. oh and if you're wondering of they're a carnivore or a herbivore well, they are none of those. Their classifications were somewhere in between those two, an omnivore, supposedly.

His father died when he was 12 years old, but never of old age. It was the time of peace when their village was raided a few years ago by a large group of carnivores. His dad unfortunately died during that incident, he died protecting the others. "It's pretty heroic. though I did cry for a few days after his death and burial."

Oddly enough, his father gave him a bracelet, it was a family heirloom and his dad gave it to him with his word. Stating that it must be passed onto next generations.

But at the time he didn't know what a heirloom is so he decided to lock it up in his storage box for a few years. And it's only recently when he found out what a family heirloom was. And because of that, he started wearing it again.

Another odd thing is his father taught him sword skills! How crazy is that! The human thought while brushing his teeth in the sink.

"Shima. Hurry up. Its almost time for the train to leave." He hummed in response of his mother's words. After dressing up, he made his way to his dresser in order to grab his luggage and as he was heading down the stairs, he witnessed his mother tearing up at the sight of her son leaving.

"Don't get into too much trouble alright?" Hana adviced as she wiped a stray tear on her cheek.

He just chuckled at his mother's emotional demeanor before talking, "Mom, I'll be okay! And besides the city's not that far."

"Go now, I'll be even more upset if the train leaves you" she ushered him out the door, pulling the lugagge behind her as she walked alongside her son.

With one last hug, they parted their ways. But not before giving her son's beloved fruit juice. "Catch!" She tossed over a plastic bottle of lychee juice.

"Thanks mom!" Shima yelled and waved one last time at his mother before running off to the station's direction with a smile plastered on his face.

Luckily, he made it in time before the train left. Though, the car that he got into was full of carnivores, he just chose to shrug it off along the stares that he got from the carnivores with a scroll away on his phone.

He arrived at the city's station pretty quick, considering it was just a few minutes since he boarded the train car. As soon as he got outside the train car, he was hit by the overwhelming sight of different animals in the city, along the hustle and bustle of the city cars.


"Okay, Here goes.." Shima sighed before walking inside the gates of the prestigous Cherryton academy. The school was big, not to mention it was on top of a hill that overlooks the city at some degree.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒔 || BeastarsWhere stories live. Discover now