Chapter 25

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Taehyung stired from his sleep, he groaned at the pain coming from his head and raised his hand to rub it trying to smoothen the pain.

He slowly opened his eyes and was lucky the room was a little bit dark so his eyes adjusted to the surrounding easily. He looked around and noticed he was in a luxurious bedroom and laying on a king size bed under a blanket. This wasn't his bedroom

"Oh, you are finally awake?" Taehyung jolted at the sudden voice and turned his head to the further end of the bedroom and saw someone sitting on the couch with crossed legs.

When he looked closer Park Bo Gum

He quickly remembered the incident that happened that day, how hoseok betrayed him, got shot and then taking him, the last thing he remembers was someone covering his nose with a cloth containing chloroform.

"The idiot that overdosed you with chloroform has been shot for trying to kill you. That shit could cause cancer you know. Plus it cost us long hours of good interaction" Taehyung looked at bogum talking with a pout.

"What do you want?" He asked with a blank face sitting up on the bed, noticing that he was not restrained dumb move

"Straight to business, You aren't the youngest most successful man in Korea for nothing I see" the other stated with a fond smile causing Taehyung to raise an eye brow.

Bogum stood up and passed a bottle water from the fridge to Tae "You have been out for almost 24hrs, you need to hydrate"

Taehyung stared at him in disbelief, like it's been almost a day. Jungkook would be going crazy right now.

"Don't worry, I did not tamper with the water. If you haven't noticed I don't have any plans to harm you" he responded to the unspoken question of the younger with a smile.

Taehyung took the water and placed it on the bedside cause he is definitely not taking any chances which disappointed bogum.

"Maybe I should order the chef to prepare you a meal?" No response from Taehyung only a questioning look and bogum left the room.

Taehyung stood up from the bed and observed the room, it definitely looks like a master's bedroom, he walked towards the window and saw it has security system but looked out the window he noticed they were in the middle of no where, More like in the middle of a forest.

He looked around the room in search of any weapon to arm himself with but found nothing, he walked into the bathroom and quickly drank from the sink to quench his thirst and wet his dry throat.

He was looking through the bathroom cabinet which was not surprisingly empty when the bedroom door opened. He walked out of the bathroom on guard ready for anything.

"You should relax, I don't know how many times I need to say it for you to believe me because I don't really plan to hurt you"

Taehyung heard bogum say as the Maid's set the table with different foods. He gave the older a hard stare and asked instead "What do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything Tae, everything I ever wanted I already have" bogum answered gesturing for the younger to join him on the table.

Taehyung frowned at the nickname  not moving from where he was standing. "Then what exactly am I doing here?"

Bogum sighed at the other's refusal to join him on the table but continued to serve two plate of food. "You are part of what I always wanted tae, you are here because I wanted it" he answered nonchalantly

"Excuse me?" Taehyung asked honestly confused at what he was hearing.

"It is exactly what you heard" he responded still serving the food.

"I don't know exactly what you mean but incase you don't know I am a married man and if you don't have anything important for keeping me here then I should be leaving" Taehyung stated nonchalantly gently removing his neck tie.

"Jeon Jungkook, right? He was an underestimated mistake you know. I wanted you before he even came into the picture but some people just could not carry out instructions"

Taehyung frowned at his words, bogum looked up from the table and saw the confusion on the younger's face causing him to chulck.

"I guess it's story time love, take a seat"

"I am good with standing!" Taehyung spat back.

"It's was twelve years ago when I came across your picture in my old man's office, you were about twelve I think and my sixteen years heart fell in love. I later found out your Dad had his company's major shares in your name and my father and many other enemies wanted it. You know your dad is a very foolish man, he sent his twelve years old son alone to Russia. It was so easy to get you but luckily you got me as your guarding angel" he said smiling at taehyung who was staring back at him with an emotionless expression.

"Jhope or as you know him hoseok was my personal bodyguard and at fourteen he was the deadliest we had around, I sent him behind my father's back to Russia to look out for you and trust me you don't want to know how many people were killed and buried in that cause. That bastard was sent to protect you not befriend you which caused a quarrel as he reported and came back two years before you came to Korea. We were lucky to get him into your dad's good side and got back with you after you took over the company.

Things were going smoothly until that kid came into the picture and we found out the Jeon's family was fixing you guys up for marriage, I spoke to my old man about setting us up instead or wiping the whole Jeon family but been a weak man he warned me against harming anyone so I ended his miserable life. Moreover he was taking forever to hand everything over to me. The plan was to have all the Jeon together in a car as it crashed but the stubborn Jeon kid just happened to have escaped it.

Because you rejected the marriage proposal we let him be only for there to be a wedding nine months later" bogum pitched the bridge of his nose and sighed to calm his anger.

"The plan to get rid of him eight months ago was an ultimate fail as I just found out that little shit hoseok let him live. The reason I haven't killed him yet is still unknown to me" bogum concluded nonchalantly as if he just finished narrating a Cinderella story.

Taehyung was quiet all along, his brain running miles. Connecting the dots and concluding that he was the reason for all this all along. All the pain his baby went through was because of him all along.


"I know where Taehyung is!"

Jungkook shouted as he entered the computer room of Yoongi alongside Jimin, he had ran out of the house immediately after the call with hoseok.

"I have the location of all his underground warehouses" Yoongi informed In return as he turned to the two walking towards the door where all the soldiers are located.

"GUYS!" he yelled out for the attention of the hundreds of men

"SOMEONE HAS OUR BOSS! WHO IS READY FOR A MASSACRE!!" he yelled out with authority and a smirk, it's been long he was in the field so this is so fucking exciting for everyone.

"YEAH!!!" The soldiers cheered back.

"Get every weapon you can possible, we are not taking any prisoners!"

"Actually! Get every explosives there is, we are going rain hell on them!" Jungkook stated smirking as he exchanged eye contacts with Yoongi and Jimin who smirked in return.

This is for you Dad and mum!


I purple you


1332 words

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