🍂 chapter- 8 🍂

Start from the beginning

"Baby if he try to trouble you tell me right away i will punish him." She said softly and this time taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Let's go baby we are getting late." He dragged jungkook after holding his hand.

"Yah you brat take care of my baby kookie." She shouted and then smiled.

She just want to tease taehyung because she know taehyung will always take care of jungkook.


"Hyungie hyungie there." Jungkook exclaimed dragging taehyung to a craw machine.

While taehyung he was feeling at ease after seeing his excited smiley bunny back.

"Hyungie i want this tiger please get it for bunny." Jungkook said pouting giving his puppy doe eyes to taehyung.

Taehyung saw jungkook was pointing at a tiger stuffed toy but his eyes caught a bunny toy too so he decided to get the both out.

"I will get everything for my babybun just wait." Taehyung said smiling softly at him and then walks to the machine.

~After ten minutes~

"Umm it's ok hyungie i don't want it now leave it." Jungkook said smiling.

Because taehyung was trying for last ten minutes but he didn't get any toy from the machine.

Taehyung stops his task and looks at jungkook but his heart hurted when he saw sadness in jungkook's eyes even though he was smiling.

"No i will get it for you no matter what happens now." Taehyung said determined and again gave his focus to the machine.

And this time he was able to take out the tiger from the machine. Seeing the toy jungkook jumps in excitement and hugs taehyung.

"You did it hyungie, you did it." Jungkook cheered and taehyung hugs him back now feeling really proud to make jungkook smile.

"Alright then let me get you more." Taehyung said and broke the hug.

He again pressed the button and this time his eyes is on the bunny. He again tapped the button. His face adorned a beautiful boxy smile which can melt anyone's heart when he got the bunny.

"Kookie baby i did it again." Taehyung shouts and hugs jungkook whose arms immediately made their way around him.

"Yes hyungie you are the best." Jungkook said giggling because taehyung's breath was hitting his neck tickling him.

Taehyung then let go of jungkook and pick the bunny and gives it to jungkook who takes it happily.

"Thank you hyungie." Jungkook chirped.

"You don't have to thank me baby. Now let's get some clothes for you." Taehyung said and grabbed jungkook's hand.

Jungkook being jungkook, he intertwined their fingers and for the first time taehyung didn't said anything about it. He himself tighten the hold.

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