03. jaehyun almost does incest

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Having his older brother's face too close to his own face wasn't how Jaehyun wanted to start his morning.


And he wasn't expecting it either, because in a state of shock he shot up and hit Sangjun straight in the head, which made him pull back.

"Ouch!" Both of them said, rubbing their foreheads. Sangjun furrowed his eyebrows and stared at Jaehyun who did the same. 


"You were the one who was about to kiss me like I was some sort of sleeping beauty or something!" Jaehyun accused before Sangjun could say anything.

"Me? Kiss you? Oh please. I'm married and have a daughter, and I love my two girls a lot, thank you very much," Sangjun retorted.

Before Jaehyun could say anything, he heard giggles, and when he looked towards the direction of the sound he found his four-year old niece giggling with one hand covering her mouth. Immediately, Jaehyun noticed his brother's face softening, a fatherly smile grazing his lips with this fond look that made Jaehyun feel warm all over. 

Well, you couldn't blame Sangjun. Heeji just had that effect. She even befriended their pets, the dogs, and Xumin's cat back in China within the ripe age of nine months, not even flinching when Duri (Jaehyun's brown poodle. He loved Duri more than he loved Banana Fish) barked at the unfamiliar face. 

Jaehyun snapped out of his admiration for his brother when he realised that that couldn't let go of the previous incident.

"Hey! Cut it out! Tell me why you were so close to my face!" Jaehyun yelled, successfully grabbing Sangjun's attention.

"Forget that! Why did you kidnap my daughter in the middle of the night!" Sangjun stood up, and Jaehyun followed.

"I kidnapped her? Please, she willingly came to sleep in my room because of your—" Jaehyun was about to say the reason, but bit back on his tongue. Despite everything, Sangjun was still his brother, and Jaehyun still cared about him. He knew cuddling was normal in relationships and he wouldn't want to make his brother hesitate on that whenever he wanted to do it just because of a silly reason. Besides, he'd already felt guilty enough in this house, because it was their family of three— a father, a mother and a daughter— and having an uncle there was kind of out of place. 

"The two of you are in or are about to be in your thirties, and you still fight as if you're like, ten," Xumin's voice led the two of them to turn their heads towards her, who was standing by the door with Heeji clutching her hand. 

"Don't give me that look," she added, which made both brothers look away. There was a pause and uncomfortable silence, which was broken by the youngest person in the room.

"You both look like you were just scolded by your mother," Heeji pointed, trying to muffling her laughs (and failing), and Sangjun gave that one stupid fond look that made Jaehyun want to vomit and pack his bags and get out of the house while also wanting to take a picture and tease the older man about it all day long.

"Now! Be good boys and brush your teeth!" Xumin said in a typical mother-like tone, which made Heeji laugh even harder. Jaehyun didn't find anything funny in that but he went on with it because he just remembered that he had one of those author-editor meets with Namjoon.

And he might or might not have been dreading it, but he reminded himself that there was nothing to feel weird about. 

There was a lot to feel weird about.

Firstly, when they met outside Namjoon's apartment, Jaehyun suddenly started to realise how good-looking the younger author actually was. From the mesmerising shape of his eyes and the sharp jawline and his beautifully tanned skin, Jaehyun was left wondering if he always had looked that great. 

"Hello. Let's get inside, unless you wanna talk about it right here?" Namjoon asked with a smile which made Jaehyun snap out of it and follow the taller into the apartment.

Finding a seat, the two of them sat down. Jaehyun pulled out his laptop and adjusted his glasses as Namjoon took out a vintage-looking notebook that Jaehyun knew was where the younger man wrote and planned out his first drafts. 

Jaehyun had bought a Mocha for himself and an Iced Americano for Namjoon, because, well, he just wanted to.

However, as soon as they sat down after grabbing their drinks, they found themselves in awkward silence. There was some eye contact, and they both looked away not a second after. 

"So, um, anyways," Jaehyun started as a poor attempt to start conversation, "You see, I compiled all of the resources that you've cited, and I've even started on line-by-line editing. The drafts for the three chapters that you sent that day are being proofread by our team while I've already cleared out any plotholes." He turned his laptop so that Namjoon could see the Google Sheets file, stating all of that.

"And also, there were some silly mistakes, like you're instead of your and all that, which I probably figured was because you wrote that in like, the middle of the night," Jaehyun paused to lick his lips and look at Namjoon, whose gaze was focused on the MacBook Pro in front of him, "So yeah."

Namjoon hummed. Seriously? Jaehyun thought. A hum? You could totally do better than that.

"I. . . yeah, that was probably it. I couldn't catch much sleep yesterday because of the excitement and the ideas buzzing in my head. I've written them all down in a Word document, which I'll send to you, like, right now," Namjoon finally said.

"I use a MacBook."


not me not knowing how to end the chapter 

no, seriously. i didn't like it. at all.

i might rewrite this sometime in the near future, but math exam has fucked up my brain & i just wrote down what i felt was right. 

the starting part has no namjoon because i just wanted to add a family kinda moment, and i badly wanted to add sangjun into the story because i kind of love him, expect for the part where i won't say because i want to keep y'all curious. 

anyways just a heads up that one incident in the past might make you dislike him (a little).

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