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Y/n looking out the window horrified at the clearly not empty pods," They're not empty," Y/n says covering her mouth. The ship leaves a trail of glowing hibernation pods.

Hyunjin slides to a halt in front of a hibernation pod. Pulls a power driver from his belt and removes the cover panel. Y/n arrives on his heels. Watches as he works. An ominous sound approaches. BOOM-CHAK...BOOM-CHAK... The wave of ejections advances down their row. "Hurry.," Y/n calls.

"I see it," Hyunjin says. He's not fast enough. The pod slides up and out of sight. The pod Hyunjin was working on tumbles out into space.


Hyunjin slams into the facility at a dead run. Scans the crew hibernation pods. Picks one and goes to work. Y/n enters. Looks at the man inside the hibernation pod: a stern fellow with a bristling grey beard. "Who's that?" Y/n asks.

"The captain," Hyunjin sates, getting right to work. The sounds of the ejection wave come closer.

"You don't have much time," Y/n says, panic setting in.

"I know," Hyunjin says, masses of sweating dripping off him. With another loud boom a crewman's pod vanishes into the ceiling on the opposite side. The ejections march down the row.

"Go go go!" Y/n shouts watching in anticipation as the wave of ejections reaches the end of the facility and marches back on Hyunjin's side.

"Got it!" Hyunjin exclaims. The hibernation pod hums to life. Inside, the Captain opens his eyes. He stares in astonishment at the first thing he sees: Y/n, in her bathing suit and shirt, a dishevelled angel. Another boom sounds as the pod beside the captain's shoots out of sight. He sees it. Looks at Y/n in alarm. Reaches out, his hand spread flat on the glass. She reaches back, her hand matching his. The captain's pod rises through the ceiling and vanishes. Hyunjin roars in frustration. Y/n leaps back with a cry of horror.


Hyunjin and Y/n stare out the windows. In the ship's wake, five thousand pods glitter like diamonds. The cloud of pods dispersing as they watch. Stricken, Y/n walks away. Hyunjin watches her go, then turns back to the window, looking out at the tumbling sparks. The starship recedes, leaving five thousand pods in its wake.



Hyunjin stands at the Diagnostic Computer. The indicator light panel is a sea of green. Only a few red lights remain and then Y/n enters "That's the last of the burned-out processors. When it reboots, we should be all green," Hyunjin smiles.

"Can we talk?" Y/n says almost in a whisper.


Y/n's writing couch. Hyunjin and Y/n sit facing each other as Y/n gathers her thoughts. Takes a deep breath. "You know, if it wasn't for you waking me up, I'd be drifting out in space right now with the others. And if you'd never awakened, the whole ship would have been lost while we slept," Y/n says, Hyunjin shakes his head at the tangle of it. "But no matter how we got here, the fact is that we're here. All I know is, when I have a good idea, you're the person I want to tell. When I wake up in the morning, I wish you were there. When I look at you, I just see Hyunjin. And I miss him," Y/n sighs.

Hyunjin looks at her, moved and caught off-guard. "I've missed you too,"

"I don't want to be angry anymore. I can't be. We've come through too much. No matter what you've done...the fact is, I love you," Y/n says smiling at the man in front of her. Hyunjin reaches out and takes her hand. She watches him intertwine his fingers with hers. Y/n gazes out at the stars - the endless shining sky that enfolds them. She looks at Hyunjin and smiles. "Hell of a life," Y/n chuckles. Hyunjin meets her eyes.

"Hell of a life," He smiles back pulling her into a long-awaited kiss. When they pull apart, they both smile at each out. She climbs into his lap, and they kiss. A kiss with a year's frustration behind it. A kiss that matters. Hyunjin pushes Y/n down onto the couch as they continue to kiss. As they bodies connect with one another like two piece of a puzzle the bright stars light up the room, the space of the future.

They lean together, helmets touching, and look together into

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