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"Good night," Felix says as Y/n exits the bar. Felix turns his attentions to Hyunjin, "She's wonderful. Excellent choice,". Hyunjin drops his head into his hand.


Y/n stows clothing in drawers and closets. She hangs snapshots on the wall: family and friends. Most of the pictures were apparently taken at the same grand party. She looks at them wistfully - and a look of astonishment crosses her face. "Of course!" She speaks.


Y/n pounds on the door. "Hyunjin! Wake up!" Y/n yells from outside the door. The door opens. Hyunjin stands blinking in his bathrobe. "We'll go home!"

"What?" Hyunjin questions, confused as Y/n pulls him down the hall, chattering.

"It takes too long to get to Homestead II. But we're still closer to Earth. We'll turn the ship around," Y/n says pulling Hyunjin into the elevator.


Y/n drags Hyunjin in and punches the button.

"We'll go home" Y/n smiles.

"It would take decades," Hyunjin says rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's our only chance of getting off this ship in our lifetimes," Y/n pleads.


Y/n drags Hyunjin out of the elevator. Looks around. "Where's the...navigating place?" She questions.

"That way. But-," Hyunjin is cut off as she drags him toward the Bridge.

"We can learn how to pilot the ship. We have all the time in the world," Y/n says.

"There's just one problem," Hyunjin sighs.


Y/n opens the Bridge door - revealing the armoured firewall hatch just beyond it.

"Everything important - the reactor, the gravity drive - it's all behind firewalls. There's no way through," Hyunjin says, hating to crush the girls spirt of getting home.

"Oh," Y/n sighs.

"Sorry," Hyunjin says placing a hand on her shoulder.

Crushed at this news Y/n sighs, "That was my last good idea,".


Y/n sits curled up in an armchair. Around her, a dizzying view of the cosmos. There's a cup of coffee on a table beside her. In her lap, an electronic slate with an attached microphone. "New file. My Voyage," Y/n speaks. A clean page opens on the slate. The title in the corner: "My Voyage." As Y/n speaks, the page fills with words. I boarded the Avalon on an assignment. Maybe the most ambitious writing assignment ever given. But things have taken an unexpected turn. I'm not writing for The New Yorker anymore. I'm writing for me. I've been awake on this ship for seven days, awake far too soon and I might spend the rest of my life here in a little steel world five hundred meters long," Y/n pauses and takes a long sigh and continues to speak after taking a sip of her coffee.

"I'm not alone. Another passenger shares my fate. A mechanic named Hyunjin Hwang. The other passengers will sleep for another ninety years. By the time they wake, Hyunjin and I will have lived, grown old and died. Vanished, like a dream, in the blink of an eye," She falters, frightened by her own words.


The swimming pool is a marvel: one entire wall is a window extending from the ceiling to the bottom of the pool. Y/n enters in her HomeStead Company bathrobe. Drops the robe to reveal a bathing suit. She dives into the pool. Y/n swims, a slender shape moving on the water's surface.


Hyunjin sits eating and tinkering with a small robot. The table is strewn with dishes and tools. Y/n sits down across from him. "Why did you do it?" She asks bluntly. Hyunjin is thunderstruck. The game is up. He swallows hard.

"Do what?" Hyunjin asks trying to play dumb, his voice coming out higher than he anticipated.

"Emigrate. Leave Earth. I'm interviewing you," Y/n smiles, a notepad in hand.

"You're what?" Hyunjin ask, he feels as though a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.

"Interviewing you. You're the first victim of hibernation failure in the history of space travel. That makes you news," Y/n says.

"Who are you going to tell?" Hyunjin ask curious as he continues to fiddle with the robot.

"Posterity. So, why'd you give up your life on Earth?" Hyunjin seems stunned by her question. He hadn't thought about it in quite those words." A hundred- and twenty-years' hibernation means you never see your family and friends again. You sleep your way to another planet and another century. The ultimate geographical suicide," says Y/n

"I, uh...I never really...," Hyunjin starts.

"Were you running away from something?" Y/n questions.

"No. Things were okay," Hyunjin smiles.


"I just wanted more, I guess. You know. More room. A fresh start. Back to basics," Hyunjin says.

Y/n chuckles "That's HomeStead Company advertising,"

"I guess," Hyunjin smiles.

"Hyunjin!" Y/n becoming serious.

"I'm a mechanic. A rate-two mechanic. We're a dying breed on Earth. But in the colonies, they still have problems to solve. My kind of

problems. In the colonies, a handyman is somebody," Hyunjin said shrugging his shoulders. Nothing there for Y/n to scoff at. She looks impressed.

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