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A million suns shine in the dark. A STARSHIP cuts through the night: a gleaming white cruiser. Galleries of windows. Flying decks and observation domes. On the hull: THE STARSHIP AVALON - A HomeStead Company Starship. The ship flashes through a nebula. Space-dust sparkles as it whips over the hull, betraying the ship's dizzying speed. The nebula boils in the ship's wake. The Avalon rockets on, spotless and beautiful as a daydream.


A large square. Its soaring atrium spans seven levels, with tiers of promenades framing a massive skylight. The promenades are devoid of life. The chairs are empty. Robots that resemble beetles vacuum the carpets and wax the floors.


Super-modern and gleaming. Hundreds of tables, all empty.


Star-filled windows and lounge furnishings the place was completely deserted. The glass is washed by a robot with spindly legs.


Endless passageways with vertical glass tubes lining them. A PASSENGER can be found inside each tube. In a deep slumber, the eyes are closed. You can't tell if they're breathing just by looking at them. They sleep on their feet, supported by padded supports. Straps hold them in place, and sensors are attached to their skin.

Their dress in HomeStead Company-branded shorts and tank tops. There are no children or senior citizens. Men and women of all ethnicities who are in their prime.

Hyunjin Hwang, 21. Sound asleep. A small display on his pod reads:

Hyunjin Hwang

Rate 2 Mechanical Engineer

AGE: 21

Blood type: O

Passenger class: silvery


A loud, thunderous boom sounds from outside of the Avalon sending vibrations down all the corridors on the ship.

The lights slowly fade off then flicker back on a second later. Hungjin's row of hibernation pods lights take longer to turn back on. The hibernation room turns back to normal, a dark light, but not pitch black. Lights again flicker on in Hyunjin's hibernation pod. Machinery hums to life. Instruments beep and chitter. Medical data fills the pod's screen. Hyunjin's temperature elevates. His heart begins to beat, after he takes a breath. Hyunjin's opens his eyes, groggy, blinking, seeing nothing. Back behind him, the backrest changes to a recliner, lowering him to a sat posture. His skin's sensors detach and merge back into the pod's equipment. A video screen descends before Hyunjin's eyes. A holographic woman appears standing in front of Hyunjin's pod. A beautiful stewardess appears, beaming from ear to ear. She is inhumanly perfect, a computer-generated image.

"Good morning, Hyunjin," the video stewardess said.

"What the," Hyunjin said is a disoriented tone, gripping onto the pod's sides, confused on where he was.

"Don't worry, Hyunjin. It's normal to feel confused. You've just spent a hundred and twenty years in suspended animation," the stewardess makes it sound sexy. Hyunjin scowls and rubs his eyes. Behind the stewardess another animation is shown, not that Hyunjin was paying attention – happy people go to sleep in glass tubes in a hospital. The tubes are loaded onto a spaceship – the STARSHIP AVALON. "You're a passenger on the Starship Avalon - a Homestead Company Starship. We've nearly completed the 120-year flight from Earth to your new home - the colony world of Homestead II. Congratulations!" The stewardess beams the famous smile. Onscreen now shows the Avalon leaving a skyscraper- covered Earth and glides through space to a lush green Homestead II

"Oh, yeah," Hyunjin smiled, remembering the thought.

"The Avalon is on final approach. For the next two months, you'll enjoy luxury space travel. Food. Fun. New Friends. Then you'll start your new life on Homestead II. Back to basics. A fresh start. Room to grow. Your wake-up capsules and nutrient juice will help you recover from hibernation," the stewardess smiled as pills clatter into a dish, followed by a glass of pink juice. He grimaces as he swallows his medicines and sips his juice. Hyunjin is helped to his feet by his backrest. A drawer opens to show a bathrobe and slippers from the Homestead Company. "Make yourself comfortable in your complimentary robe and slippers," she says as Hyunjin puts them on. "Your shipcard is your key to the ship, don't lose it!" she almost scolds as the pod produces Hyunjin's ship card: a plastic ID card on a lanyard. He hangs it around his neck. "Now you're ready to go to your cabin. Make yourself at home! Enjoy the rest of your voyage, Hyunjin," The stewardess smiles as she steps aside walking down a corridor, glitching slightly.

"Right," Hyunjin said, rubbing his eyes.

Hyunjin steps out of his pod into the corridor. All the other pods are closed, the people inside asleep. A look of concern crosses Hyunjin's face. Hyunjin, your cabin is this way," The video stewardess points down the corridor. Take Elevator D to deck seven. Your cabin number is on your shipcard,"

"Thanks," Hyunjin said. Hyunjin shuffles down the corridor in his slippers, rubbing his face. Having trouble keeping his eyes open.

Behind him, his pod closes. Its screen reads PASSENGER DISCHARGED.


Hyunjin finds a bank of elevators. As he approaches, the indicators blink on. An elevator opens, spilling light. He steps inside, and muzak begins to play.


A corridor lined with doors. A cleaning robot vacuums. Hyunjin appears. Instantly the corridor lights brighten. The cleaning robot rolls past Hyunjin. "Hello, Passenger," the cleaning robot says.

"Hello, robot," Hyunjin says startled. Hyunjin follows wall markings to his cabin. He scans his ID tag around his neck on a small square on the wall next to the wall letting himself in.


Cosy but small. A bed, a desk, an armchair. No window. A SCREEN lights up. The HomeStead Company theme music plays. An ANNOUNCER speaks.

"Welcome to your cabin, Hyunjin! Your home until we make landfall," The announcers say. Hyunjin doesn't pay attention. Pokes around, opening drawers. "Over the next two months, you'll prepare for your new life on Homestead II," Hyunjin peers into the tiny bathroom. There's a little video screen, and the presentation's running there too." Passengers are organized int learning Groups for orientation.

you've been assigned to learning thirty-eight! Don't forget," the announcement ends, and, on the screen, 'Learning Group 38' Appears.

As Hyunjin is about to sit down the doorbell rings. Hyunjin opens the door eagerly - and deflates. No one there. He looks down. A waist-high CARGO ROBOT peers up at him with google eyes. It carries two suitcases and a duffel bag.

"Passenger Hwang?" The cargo robot, cutely questions.

"Hyunjin. Yeah," Hyunjin says.

"Your luggage, Passenger Hyunjin. Swipe your shipcard to confirm,".

Hyunjin swipes his shipcard through a slot on top of the robot. The robot scoots inside and deposits Hyunjin's bags on the floor." Enjoy your luggage!"

"Thanks," Hyunjin replies.

"Thank you, Passenger Hyunjin!" The cargo robot says. The robot zips out the door. Hyunjin looks up and down the corridor. The receding robot is the only sign of life. He steps back inside.

Look at the Stars - Hyunjin x FEM Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now