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"Could we wake them up if we got in there?" Y/n asked.

"I'm no expert. But I think so," Hyunjin replied.

"Maybe there's another way to go to sleep. Did you check out the infirmary?" Y/n questioned.

"I looked around. It's the usual hospital stuff. Scanners, autodocs," Hyunjin said.

"Did you look for ways of going to sleep?" Y/n questioned again.

"Not really," Hyunjin admitted. Truth be told he had not thought of that.

"Well, Hyunjin!" Y/n exclaimed.

"You think they've got suspended animation pills sitting around?" Hyunjin questioned, slightly making a joke out of it.

"You don't know until you look. What about cargo? Maybe there's a hibernation machine in the hold"

I looked at the manifests. It's mostly farming stuff, industrial machines. We're not going to find a hibernation facility in a box," Hyunjin stated.

"You don't know that! We must think big here. Maybe we can build our own hibernation machine," Y/n pestered, not ready to give up on ideas.

"No, we can't," Hyunjin replied bluntly.

"You're not even trying!"

"I've been awake a year and a half. I've tried everything I can think of," Hyunjin said. Y/n stood up angrily.

"Well, it looks to me like you missed some possibilities, and I'm not ready to give up," Y/n said. She then strides out. Hyunjin watched her go and reaches over and take the gourmet fruit salad off her tray.


Y/n sits at a library workstation. "No plans are available," the machine says.

"What about research articles, any kind of technical documents?" Y/n asks resting her chine on her hands. The workstation replies:

"Hibernation technology is proprietary. The following articles deal with the subject on a theoretical level.


Y/n inspects the gleaming medical equipment. Rummages through cabinets full of medicines and instruments. She opens a steel vault. A deep freeze: icy vapor rolls out. Inside: racks of steel capsules at subzero temperatures. She leans close: each frosted capsule is labelled with a passenger's name and the word SPERM or OVA.


Y/n frowns through the window at the sleeping crew. A litter of tools still surrounds the battered door. Y/n snatches up a crowbar and bashes the porthole. The bar spins from her stinging hands, but the windows not even marked.


Hyunjin sits at a table with his tools, struggling with a high-tech mechanism. Y/n drops into a chair across from him. He looks up. Takes in her condition: weary and frustrated. "There's no way we're going to build a hibernation machine," Y/n frowns.

"No," Hyunjin says.

"And there's no magic sleeping drugs in the infirmary,"

"No," Hyunjin replies again.

"I did find the gene bank. Five thousand sperm and egg samples on ice. I should be glad they do that. By the time we get to Homestead II, that little capsule in the freezer is going to be all that's left of me. We really are screwed, aren't we?" Y/n says, Hyunin noticed her eyes getting a little glossy.

"Pretty much," Hyunjin replies.


Hyunjin and Y/n sit across a Mexican dinner they've already put a dent in. An electric candle burns between them. A robot in a sombrero drops off two mojitos and scoots away. "So, who are you, Hyunjin? I'm going to be seeing you around. I should know who I'm talking to. What kind of work do you do?" Y/n asks, taking a sip of her drink.

"A little of everything. Transport, robotics, industrial systems. I fix what's broken. On the emigration forms I'm a "rate two" mechanical engineer. Means I don't have a Ph.D." Hyunjin says.

"Neither do I. But a journalist doesn't need one; she just needs a

way with words and an attitude. I'm from Manhattan, so I had the attitude," Y/n says smiling.

"I noticed," Hyunjin jokes.

"And the words have always been there when I needed them," Y/n smiles. Y/n laughs, "I would never have lasted a year with only robots to talk to. They're all such idiots!" Y/n says.

"Not all of them," Hyunjin says remerging a friend.


Hyunjin leads Y/n up to the Concourse Bar. It appears deserted. Y/n is all curiosity. Suddenly Felix appears, doing his swinging-up-on-hinges trick. Y/n gives a squeal of surprise gripping onto Hyunjin's arm.

"Evening, Hyunjin. Who's the lovely lady?" Felix questions, already known the answer.

"Felix, this is Y/n. Y/n, Felix," Hyunjin says pulling a chair out for Y/n.

"Y/n. A pleasure," Felix says, he takes her hand formally.

"Felix! Lovely to meet you," Y/n says as she peeks over the bar at Felix' mechanical mounting, the rails he rolls on.

"What'll it be?" Felix asks.

"Dirty martini please," Y/n says to Felix, she turns to Hyunjin and says, "Now this is a robot I can talk to,".

"Android, technically," Hyunjin responds to Y/n and turns to Felix, "Whiskey and soda,".


Empty glasses show that Hyunjin and Y/n have been doing yeoman's work at the bar. Both are tipsy and laughing.

"My God, I almost forgot my life is in ruins," Y/n says trying to collect herself. That wipes the smile off Hyunjin's face.

"Sorry," Hyunjin says.

"What for? It's time to sleep. In the morning we'll think of something brilliant," Y/n smiles.

"All right," Hyunjin says.

"Good night, Hyunjin. Good night, Felix," Y/n smiles tucking the bar stool in before she exits.

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