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"Thank you," Y/n smiles hugging Hyunjin.

"You're welcome," Hyunjin replies. Hyunjin and Y/n look each other in the eyes.

"For very unlucky people, we got pretty lucky," Y/n says, still gazing into her boyfriend's eyes. Hyunjin cups Y/n's face in his hands, almost fitting like a mold. Hyunjin pulls her towards him, and they share a kiss.



Hyunjin and Y/n sprint down the hall, cabin doors flashing by. Hyunjin's practically dragging her along. A deep loud rumble fills the sound of the Avalon. "It's coming! Run!" Hyunjin yells, still dragging Y/n along.


Hyunjin and Y/n run up the stairs onto the highest promenade on the ship: glass all around, skylight above. The deep rumble is louder. A bloody light fills the sky. A star looms ahead of the ship: A red giant. The Avalon rockets toward the star. The passage takes less than a minute. The Red Giant swells in the windows. The ship shudders. The engines howl. Y/n falls into Hyunjin's arms. The ship bathed in red light. The star fills the skylight, fills the sky itself. Fiery surface turbulent with sunspots and mysterious currents. The engines howl. And then they're past. The star recedes, dwindling as quickly as it grew. The engines quiet. The ship's calm restored.

"That was incredible," Y/n says in a breathtakingly tone.

"Closest we'll get to a star on the whole trip. Happy birthday," Hyunjin whispers the last part in Y/n ear, send shivers down her spin. She throws her arms around him.


Y/n stands in her bathroom, getting pretty for dinner.


Hyunjin puts the finishing touches on a beautiful ring woven from gold and silver wire. It's crowned with a flower of gold. He removes the ring from its clamp inspects it thoroughly. Satisfied, he wraps it in a cloth and tucks it in his pocket.


Hyunjin and Y/n dine. They laugh and flirt with easy intimacy. Their plates emptied, they sit back, sipping wine. Hyunjin lifts the table's candle and waves it in the air. A robot rolls up with a birthday cake, candles alight.

Hyunjin and the robots begin to sing the Happy Birthday song. Y/n sits bathed in candlelight, and for this moment she is truly and fundamentally happy. She blows the candles out.


Hyunjin and Y/n sit at the bar, tipsy. Felix pours. "Birthday cocktail for the birthday girl," Felix smiles pushing another colour drink in the girl's direction.

"Aren't you going to check my I.D.? I might not be old enough to drink," Y/n laughs taking a sip none the less.

"I'd never ask your age in front of a gentleman," Felix smiles.

"Hyunjin's not a gentleman. Anyway, there's no secrets between me and Hyunjin.," Y/n smiles placing a hand on Hyunjin check slightly playing with his long hair.

Felix looks a Hyunjin "Is that so?" He questions.

"You heard the lady. I'll Be right back," Hyunjin smiles kissing Y/n's forehead before walking away.

"You know what I like about you, Felix You have a sense of occasion. I bet ladies fall for you on every trip," Y/n says sipping her drink.

"I'd say you were pulling my leg, but I haven't got any," Felix smiles.

"Exactly! There you go," Y/n laughs almost spitting her drink all over Felix.

"I remember your last birthday, a year ago. Hyunjin was really looking forward to meeting you," Felix says. Y/n frowns, processing this sentence - her smile fading.

"What?" Y/n questions.


Hyunjin stands at the mirror, straightening his lapels, touching up his hair. He unwraps the ring. Looks it over. Smiles at his reflection.


Y/n scowls at Felix, trying to get her bearings.

"What do you mean, he was looking forward to it? How could he," Y/n stops to think.

"He couldn't stop talking about you, let me tell you. He spent months deciding whether to wake you up," Felix smiles, not known the impact this conversation is have on Y/n as her eyes widen in shock.

"Hyunjin woke me up," Y/n says tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh, yes. Said it was the hardest decision of his life, but I see it worked out just fine," Felix says. Y/n stops breathing. She stares at the bar top as Hyunin strolls up to the bar. His hand slides into the jacket pocket where the ring lies hidden. But Y/n's body language is all wrong. He stops, perplexed.

"What?" Hyunjin asks placing a hand on her upper arm.

She looks up, her face rigid. Her voice a whisper. "Did you wake me up, Hyunjin?"

Hyunjin's hand slides out of his jacket pocket. He shoots a look at Felix, who smiles back, oblivious. Y/n's eyes bore into him. Finally, Hyunjin finds his voice.

"Yes. I woke you up," Hyunjin admits, his voice timid. His words filled with regret.

"How could you do it?" Y/n questions agony, lacing her tone.

"I tried not to," Hyunjin says.

"You pulled me out of hibernation. You destroyed the rest of my life. You murdered me," Y/n whispers the last part, hitting Hyunjin like a punch in the stomach.

"That's a little strong," Hyunjin says.

"You murdered me. I'm going to be sick. Oh, my God. I... I can't see," Y/n says in complete shock. She gets up to leave.

"Y/n," He goes after her.

"Get away from me!" Y/n shouts. Her hand meeting Hyunjin's face. Hyunjin grabs his face, he can now see she is crying hysterical. Y/n Stumbles away.


Y/n stares out at the stars. Hyunjin appears behind her. She speaks bitterly without turning. "How did you decide?" She turns around to face Hyunjin. "Did you just go shopping? A couple thousand women in their underwear, and you get to pick your favourite,".

"It wasn't like that," Hyunjin says.

"What was it like? And you had it all planned out! Dinner and movies and our big date...Oh, my God! And I just ate it up. Fake! All fake!" Y/n yells, tears once again starting the spill out of her eyes.

"This was real. I didn't plan this. It happened," Hyunjin says gesturing t between both him and Y/n

Y/n scoffs at Hyunjin, folding her arms. In a mocking tone she says, "Find true love on the Starship Avalon! Romance between the Stars! The woman of your dreams! Was it everything you thought it would be?" Y/n questions.

"Y/n. I love you," Hyunjin says.

"This is sick," Y/n glares at him. "Show me how you did it,"


Y/n walks up to her old hibernation pod. Hyunjin trails her. "So?"

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