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"We land on Homestead II in ninety years, three weeks, and one day," The observatory said.

"No. How long ago did we leave Earth?" Hyunjin asked.

"Approximately thirty years ago," Hyunjin stares at the hologram in horrified realization.

"I woke up too soon," Hyunjin said.

"I don't understand," The observation voice said.

"Neither do I,"


Hyunjin sprints down a row of hibernation pods. Heart pounding. Slides to a stop in front of his empty pod. Hyunjin fusses with the controls, pressing buttons. But the screen just reads "PASSENGER DISCHARGED." Crouching, he pulls at the pod's canopy, trying to open it with his hands. It doesn't budge. "I'm supposed to be in there!" Hyunjin yells his eyes getting glossy.


Hyunjin trudges between rows of sleeping passengers to the end of the huge Hibernation Bay. There he finds a hatch labelled CREW HIBERNATION FACILITY. Hyunjin opens it eagerly - and finds another armoured hatch with a small porthole. Labels reads FIREWALL and SECURE ACCESS AREA. Hyunjin presses the switch. No result. He peers through the porthole. Inside, the entire crew of the starship stands sleeping.


Hyunjin stands at another Infomat.

"How do I make a phone call?" Hyunjin asked.

"Your cabin telephone," the overjoyed infomat said, almost making Hyunjin statement seem stupid.

"No. Long distance. How do I send a message to Earth?" Hyunjin asked annoyed.

"Interstellar messages are sent by laser array. Speak to the Duty Officer in the Comm Centre," On the screen the Infomat displays a helpful map. "Please note that interstellar messaging is an expensive service,"

"Bite me," Hyunjin said getting fed up with the machine.

"Happy to help," The machine responded.


Two communications booths for passenger use. Hyunjin sits at one of these. Swipes his shipcard. "Planet and connection?" the communications booth asked, in its robot voice.

"Earth. The HomeStead Company," Hyunjin stated.

"There are thirty thousand phone numbers listed under "HomeStead Company." What number?"

"I don't know. I'm emigrating to Homestead II. I have an emergency," Hyunjin said.

"Division of Colonial Affairs, Homestead II Program. I have a Customer Help Line,' the voice said.

"Sounds about right," Hyunjin said. The booth's camera zooms in on Hyunjin's face. A microphone extends toward his mouth. The red RECORDING light comes on.

"Begin message,". Hyunjin feels like a deer in headlights, like a parasite under a microscope. Hyunjin before speaking collects himself and begins speaking.

"Hi. I'm Hyunjin Hwang. I'm a passenger on the Avalon. Something went

wrong with my hibernation pod and I woke up too soon. Ninety years too soon. I can't get back to sleep. Nobody else is awake," Panic again settling in with Hyunjin. "If I don't figure something out, I'm going to die of old age before we get to Homestead II. So, help me out here,". Hyunjin takes a long deep breath, trying to slow his heart down, as it was beating a rapid pace, almost as if it was trying to break free out of his ribcage. "I'll keep trying to fix this. Maybe I missed something simple. But I could use a hand. Thanks,". Hyunjin pushes the "SEND" button. Sits back in his chair.

"Message sent,".

"Outstanding," Hyunjin replied a smile appearing on his face, for the first time and while.

"Message will arrive in nineteen years," The communications both said.

"Say what?" Hyunjin said confused.

"Earliest possible reply in fifty-five years,".

"Fifty-five years," Hyunjin repeated in devastation.

"That will be six thousand dollars," the machine said.


Hyunjin crosses the Concourse like a sleepwalker. He looks shell-shocked. He comes to the Concourse Bar: the fanciest watering hole on

the ship. Black leather stools along a marble bar top. Hyunjin touches the bar top, and a man swings up behind the bar – as if mounted on a hinge. A handsome fellow in a bartender's uniform - his hair and skin eerily perfect. This made Hyunjin jump out of his skin. "What can I get you?" The man asked.

"I thought I was the only one awake!" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"Who would want to sleep in on a beautiful day like this," The bartender said as he produces a cloth and polishes the bar top. In a startling movement, he glides the length of the bar, polishing all the way, and glides back as if on roller skates. Hyunjin steps up on the footrail and peers behind the bar. The body of the man body stops at the waist. He's mounted on rails, built into the bar.

"You're a robot," Hyunjin said deflated.

"Android, technically. Felix's the name,"

"I'm Hyunjin," Hyunjin said taking a seat shaking Felix's hand.

"Pleased to meet you. What'll it be?" Felix asked, smiling.

"Whiskey, neat," Hyunjin said resting his head on his arm.

Felix pours. Hyunjin knocks the drink back. Points into the empty glass while his eyes water. Felix pours another. Hyunjin takes a big swallow and sets the glass down half-full. "Felix, how much do you know about the ship?" Hyunjin asked.

"I don't know. I know some things," Felix said polishing a glass.

"What do I do if my hibernation pod malfunctions?" Hyunjin questioned.

"Impossible. Hibernation pods are fail-safe," Felix retorted a smile on his face.

"Yeah, well, I woke up early," Hyunjin said taking a small sip of his drink.

"Can't happen," Felix said.

"How long until we get to Homestead II?" Hyunjin challenged.

"Ninety years or so," Felix smiled.

"And when are all of us passengers supposed to wake up?" Hyunjin asked, knowing the answer.

"Not until the last two months,"

"So how can I be sitting here with ninety years to go?" Hyunjin said with a smile on his face, very knowing he had just stomped Felix. Felix's eyes take on a faraway look. His head twitches.

"It's not possible for you to be here, "Felix smiles as if he's solved the problem.

"But I am," Hyunjin said finishing the rest of his drink. 

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